First Memories

Dec 29, 2004 22:18

Well already I am joyous to have celebrated my 1 month anniversary with my beautiful Stephanie. She absolutely adored the rose petals and the bear and the food; and i'm glad she gave me the opportunity to cuddle and look under the stars. I still find it quite humorous though how people react to our decision not to kiss, as if they know whats best for me and her. Although I can't say that I wouldn't enjoy kissing her, I do rather enjoy the time that we get to spend with each other and learn about each other, and the fact that our relationship has been soooo much stronger because we don't base it around the physical aspect. Got to do some weeding and rose trimming today... don't get to often usually because its too hot or too cold or something is better to do at the moment, but yeah- hopefully my roses will get to grow back better without black spot (grrr... took me over an hour just to clip off all the leaves that did.) Brenton came over at 4ish, and we recorded acoustically some songs which we put up at although they said it might be 72 hours before they approve our band site on there. Also spent an awesome time with mr. harrison down at the YMCA playing raquetball... and let me tell you that man is awesome at it. He kept me going every which way and we just had a blast and didn't keep track of score even though he still slaughtered me if anyone cared to know. So decided i was going to get a membership at the Y and join them to get my action hours done for IB and stuff while getting to spend some time with their family. On a more deep note my trainee psychologist is going to be talking with a parent in order to get their step-child some help... and that child does in my opinion. So if you can pray for me and my trainee, it'd be great.

As for my bible studies until i can get my bible back from the church, then i'll most likely just be reading that youth teen book that my parents bought both stephanie and I along with the "One thing you cant do in heaven." Also need to do a debate with stephanie... anyone have a good topic to do it on? I'll most likely play devils advocate to whatever side she chooses.
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