Apr 11, 2011 21:17



When dealing with troll biology, specifically in reproduction, one of the major follies I believe is the assumption of a very mammalian reproduction system, and why not? We are, after all, mammals, and it colors how we view and interpret anything strange and alien.  The issue occurs when the species that is being interpreted has explicitly been labeled as being insect-like in nature.

I'd like to start with something I call the mother grub assumption.

The Mother Grub is a curious element of troll biology, isn't it? She is necessary for birthing/laying troll eggs, but it's never actually made clear where she fits into the troll sexes. I believe the most common error, when discussing troll reproduction, is assuming that the mother grub is the "third sex," or even part of the troll species at all. Mother Grubs are never actually treated as being part of the troll species - this is supported by Kanaya's lusus being a virgin mother grub, for example. Lusii are specifically non-troll fauna from Alternia that, for some reason, take on the rearing responsibilities of the troll youth. So, I ask you: where does the mother grub fit in, exactly, then?

The answer is simple.

Trolls are parasitic.

Whether trolls are, in fact, hermaphroditic or have sexual dimorphism (more on this later,) they are incapable of carrying and producing young on their own. They do not produce or lay viable eggs, rather, they simply provide the genetic material for such an event to occur. Looking to the insect world, rather than the mammalian one, a clearer picture begins to form. Take for example, the Mantiidsidae, or "mantidfly."


These badass interesting insects are what are called "brood parasitoids," meaning that in several species, tiny larvae are inserted into the host's bloodstream, where they lie dormant for however long is necessary, until the host finally mates. Once the host mates, the larvae invade the host's reproductive system, infecting its eggs, and eventually are born instead of the host's own brood. Elsewhere, the Glyptapanteles wasp lies her eggs into a caterpillar/grub host, which eventually erupt from their host to pupate. The caterpillar, instead of simply dying like most victims of parasites, continues to live on as a zombie-like creature with just enough organs to function. It does not eat, or sleep, or mate, or pupate - it instead obsessively protects its parasitic brood without rest. Leucochloridium Paradoxum, also known as the "zombie brain worm," also an Earth creature to consider while creating a wider view of troll reproduction. These flatworm parasites not only use their host for reproduction, but also rewire its central nervous system to completely change their host's behavior.

I present the following theory for consideration: once troll genetic material is collected, it is inserted into the mother grub by the imperial drones, where everything is mixed into a "diabolical incestuous slurry" inside her body. I suggest that it's only in certain conditions that troll sperm and egg will even combine, which is why this slurry is so important - the material is mixed inside the mother grub, pair up, and eventually make their way to the grub's own natural reproductive system to infect her eggs. While coursing through the mother grub's system, the developing troll young produce chemical compounds that damage the mother grub's own central nervous system, changing her reproductive instincts. She will produce, and care for, troll larvae until she finally dies and is reproduced. When Kanaya's lusus is said to have "given up" her reproductive responsibilities, this is what was meant.

Which brings me to my next point. Imperial drones: what the hell?

It's sort of obvious that they can't be a natural aspect of troll reproduction, can they? They're essentially just expediting the process. I suggest that while there is one extremely massive mother grub kept in captivity for reproductive purposes, there are other, smaller, younger ones in the wild. Before the advent of intergalactic travel and drones, however, I think it would be up to trolls to find their own hosts, and I don't think the process involved buckets. The Filial Pails are a construct, something added later for efficiency, to make the transfer of genetic material easier. So, before this happened, how did troll genetic material reach the grub? Again, let us look to the insect world.

BEHOLD: The ovipositor.

Sometimes ovipositors are used for simply laying/attaching eggs. Sometimes they are used for stabbing your host and forcefully inserting your genetic material. This harkens to really disturbing imagery of genetic material being transferred to mother grubs/hosts/whatever in what could probably only be described as "gang rape," but to be honest, considering troll society and culture? I can see that being feasible. Trolls are, after all, a cutthroat species. However, it also means that current troll standards, while still disturbing by our standards, would be rather humane. Trolls would be essentially taking care of their host, making sure it doesn't die from being stabbed multiple times by horrifying genitalia.

So, trolls are parasitic. In one way, it's because their planet is going to be destroyed one day by SGRUB, and their entire culture was carefully groomed to be the way it is. It even makes more sense, considering that they are powered by instinct, to go and take over and conquer and dominate. They are an entire race based on exploitation of others.

Before we get to filling buckets, let's talk about grubs and the early stages of a troll's life.

I propose that, before trolls begin to approach sexual maturity, they actually remain in a rather neutral state, in something similar to how crocodile sex is determined, or, to an extent, clownfish. The sex of crocodile young is determined by the temperature what they are incubated at. Clownfish can change from male -> female in the event that there are no females. Females are always considered the alpha of the group. Assuming that trolls are not true hermaphrodites, such as what is seen in slugs where both partners produce egg and sperm, then I propose that not only the gender, but the physical sex is determined by the lusus. Troll wrigglers start in a neutral state, and whatever dimorphism they have is determined entirely by environmental factors. In the event of hermaphroditic trolls, then I suggest that the gender is influenced by the lusus, since lusii are always the same gender as trolls - things like physical characteristics like broad shoulders or breasts are an artifact of different hormonal levels.

Trolls themselves probably would have no idea what to do with a grub if they were faced with taking care of one, since there is no societal or biological imparative to take care of them. That is something done by others. See: Karkat's revulsion to having to deal with the ectobiological mess.

So, that brings us to the next, inevitable, creepy question, doesn't it?

How do trolls actually do it?

Honestly, I don't give a shit, but let's theorize for the sole purpose of nerding about biology theory, okay? I'm not here to tell you how to enjoy your porn. I'm here to offer a tangible and believable theory. So. I think there are two options that would work with the parasitic theory: pick whichever you prefer.


This is the simplest option. Genetic material is traded, bam, done.

Snails mating, obviously what you wanted to see today.

Instead of laying eggs on their own, trolls have an ovipositor, like shown above, that they used to implant the mixed "slurry" that they keep inside of their bodies into the host. Multiple trolls to one host means even more mixed slurries. It's fair to assume that keeping your partner's slurry safe would help explain the developed red/black relationships, as between hatesex and the loving partner, the storage of the matesprit's material would also benefit the storage of kismesis material. Also, the storage of genetic material is actually something that happens in the animal kingdom. There's species of feild mice that can keep their partner's sperm for until the conditions for pregnancy are right, as well as keep/disgard the sperm of less-suitable mates. In parasitic means, this is less about keeping the genetic material for the right conditions as much as it's keeping it for the right host.

So, that's the hermaphroditic theory.

Is weird snail doublecock insertion sex not your thing? I don't really blame you. Besides, the hermaphroditic theory doesn't really allow for the differences that the trolls do seem to socially recognize, such as females never claiming/referring to having a "bone bulge." Also, tits. So, let's go with OPTION NUMBER TWO, which makes more narrative sense, but less sense in terms of pure biological expediency.

Trolls do have very clear and differing body types for the male and females, and while this was mostly to make them more accessible for an audience , let's go with the assumption that it  means something. Let's assume that there is sexual dimorphism similar to how humans, and troll bisexuality isn't because they all have the same junk, but because they are parasitic. A simple transfer of genetic material in a dual-sex relationship might be, say: male and female mate, female stores genetic material until correct conditions/host is found, inserts slurry of material into host. However, the Mindfang journals prove that the whole troll bisexuality thing isn't new. These are old journals, we're talking centuries old, here. Therefore, in this situation, both males and females are able to release their specific genetic material. Females can expel unfertilized eggs, while males release their sperm. Both sexes have an ovipositor-like organ used to pierce the host to deposit their respective material. Which, if you take the "in ye olden days hosts were basically just gang raped" theory? The actual sex of your partner wouldn't matter much at all. Instead of "oh there's a host and I have all this genetic material to deposit," it would be "oh there's a host let's deposit our genetic material TOGETHER ♥."

Both situations would allow for the general equality of the sexes we see in troll society, seeing as the females never have to actually stay and take care of the young, and could actively be part of conquering. While trolls have a lot of biases, it's worth mentioning that sexism is pretty much non-existent.

That is the theory of troll external fertilisation + parasitism. BIOLOGY IS AWESOME, AND I AM THE SMARTEST.

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