THINGS i need to do (in what remains of) today:
1. Shower.
2. Some form of exercise, preferably before turning into unidentifiable blob with teeny little arms and legs sticking out of it.
3. Mentally prepare self for meeting Matt's friend Peter tomorrow.
5. Phone my sister.
6. Stage bank robbery.
...i am of course joking. It's nowhere NEAR time for my Monthly Shower yet!
Talking of bank heists though, I always thought it would be pretty funny (although i should point out that if you were to draw a Venn diagram for "things David thinks are pretty funny" and "things you will probably get arrested for", there would perhaps be QUITE A LOT of overlapping) to do the whole bank robbery thing, and really go the whole hog with the tights over your head, bag (optionally marked "SWAG") over your shoulder and shotgun, burst into the bank, shout "THIS IS A HOLD-UP!", and then when the bank manager asks you how much you were wanting, say
"Oh, just 41p, please. To be honest, I really fancy a Toffee Crisp and, if you ask me, nipping back home to get my wallet seems, frankly, like a little too much effort to go to just for one little chocolate bar!"
(This entire flight of fantasy was, incidentally, brought to you by
punsleepable's insatiable craving for a Toffee Crisp.)
Anyway, back to my list, re: #3 - This Peter bloke used to be Matt's best friend a few years back when he lived Up North, and for some reason he's down in London for a couple of weeks. I am aware that i will have to be very understanding of him, because as we all know, Northerners are a bit slow and need to be gently and slowly introduced to the exciting new technology that we more advanced folks in the South take for granted but of which they are, through no fault of their own, entirely ignorant. Computers, for instance, and cars. Also, the wheel.
(THIS IS mainly A JOKE.)
I was actually completely relaxed about the whole thing, but when your boyfriend spends a whole ten minutes raving about how the two of them used to be best best friends and how people used to not be able to tell them apart because they looked and acted so alike, and then he suddenly stops, looks at you, and says, "Actually, you two don't have anything in common, i don't think you'll get along", IT IS MILDLY ALARMING.
But it will be okay!
Additionally, there is no real good reason why I haven't watched episode 6 of Ashes to Ashes yet, except that i haven't had a chance to have the TV to myself for ages recently, and I'm not sure I'm ready yet for my entire family to witness the way in which GENE HUNT ACTUALLY TURNS ME INTO A GIRL.