Nov 22, 2010 16:39
Things have been busy around here, but it's a really good busy!
With the newest member of our family, the Mareep must have had their parental switches flipped on -- they make sure we feed her on time, they make sure she eats her fill, and they take her around the backyard, teaching her the ins and outs of the real world, I guess. Or the world that we provide for them in the backyard. It's really sweet, actually. They never really seemed to care in the games, but I guess they were wrong?
Production at the bakery is coming along really well, also! I think we should be ready to open soon, actually, and it'd be about time, too. It'd be nice to get opinions on what I can make so far, too, and see if anyone has any ideas. It's hard to recreate things we had in Tokyo when a lot of the ingredients aren't available whatsoever here. Anyhow, Ohno-senpai, what do you think?
The last bunch of choux shells for the Pecha cream puffs are about done cooling, so I'm just gonna fill them and put them in the fridge and call it a day. I have to do laundry again, everything I own is practically caked with flour...