Sep 20, 2007 08:27
What the hell is going on here? You all ought to know the story by now: nooses appear in a tree, a black kid and a white kid get into a fight at a party--the party was predominantly white (sounds to me like our [black] hero was trying to start something. If a white person tried to bust into a black party and got beaten up, what would the public response have been then? I can tell you what I would have said: "He's a fucking moron. Did common sense just not make any noise whatsoever and say 'Hey, this might not be such a good idea!?'"). Then six black fools decide they want to gang up on a white fool at school because he "taunted them" and continue to beat him after he had already fallen to the ground and was unconscious.
Now, I'm not defending the idiots who hung the nooses; that's a hate crime right there, and they ought to be punished big-time. As for the one-on-one fight between the white and black at the party, please remember that these kids are in high school--that is, kids in high school do get into fights. But after, when the idiot white kid who goes and taunts the other black kid into fighting at the school (because that sounds like such a good idea), it takes six black students to beat up this one guy? And continuing the beating after he was already unconscious? Right, that doesn't deserve jail time. I'm sure Dr. King would have been pleased with these hooligans. Did he actually say "peaceful resistance is the way...until they really, really piss you off, then go ahead and beat the shit out of them."
Beating someone after they're already out shows murderous intent; he could have been dead for all they know. Yet here they are, kicking away in a wonderful display of tribalistic passion. Ever see the movie Blackhawk Down? That scene where WO Durant is being beaten by the mob after he crashes is what comes to my mind. Now these kids might not be literally dumb, but they knew what they were doing, and should suffer the punishment for this.
If six white kids beat up a black kid like this; if this whole situation was reversed? What would Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton say then? Would it be "save the white kids, they were taunted by blacks' racism to the breaking point, and they don't really deserve jail time?" No, it would be "punish them to the maximum extent of the law," and rightly so. And don't even think for a second that only whites are racist: they're just the ones who get the shitty end of the stick when it comes to guilt for things fifty or 150 years in the past (you never hear the Romans apologizing to the descendants of the people they made fight in the Coliseum). Blacks, Hispanics, every racial "minority" is racist in its own way. You only have to drive down Rt. 1 in the evening to see: Hispanic gang signs, black gang signs, white gang signs, every group has its racist tendencies. Unfortunately for the whites (in America only), they were smart enough to be the first ones to stand themselves on top of the others. And Sharpton and Jackson happen to have loud voices and gullible audiences.
So...keep the Jena 6 in prison for what they did. Being taunted is no excuse for group assault and battery and attempted murder. They could have made themselves look like the better people by ignoring the taunting, but instead decided to devolve into animalistic frenzy. But most of this stupid country is so haunted by its own conscience and guilt complex for things that happened before most of them were born, they can't see past what the loudest voice is telling them. Score one for "equality and justice regardless of race."