Last night was funny. My sister and I decided to watch the taped Eastenders special, drool at McFly, question why Danny McFly hasn't been home for Christmas, watch the taped Sex And The City, and The Omen, all at like 12am. Cue hysterical girly chats and Friends stylee antics when Ducky decided to strip off on webcam.
This is how the scene went...
Ducky removes Shirt.
Sis and I swoon.
Ducky leaves room, shirtless.
Cue more swooning from us.
Ducky is still not back.
Cue sis and I screaming at the computer screen 'COME BACK COME BACK COME BACK!'
Ducky returns, with new shirt.
Cue sis and I screaming 'DON'T PUT IT ON! NONONONOOO'
Ducky puts on new shirt.
Cue sis and I mourning the loss of attractive semi nakedness.
Guess you had to be there!
We're getting on amazingly, actually, and she's probably become one of my best friends. And I never thought I'd say that.
Merry Christmas / festive-holiday-of-your-choice to yooooou all!!
So today will be the Christmas Eve ritual- being Muppet Christmas Carol, followed by Nightmare Before Christmas, singing Marley and Marley and Making Christmas with my sis, dancing around, and drinking lots of sherry til we fall over :D
And Eastenders, obviously. I'm actually feeling surprisingly festive!! Woo!!! And I usually *hate* Christmas. Speaking of which, MASSIVE thankees to
catatrisk for talking me down yesterday. You are the best friend anybody could ask for *wifeylove* <3<3
Ooooh, and my dad got some Harrods CHAMPAGNE from one of his suppliers at work! Talk about SWISH! But we have to save that for Christmas day. Bah HUMBUG!
Reading a certain friend's post today has made me realise that life is not about sitting around and letting the crap that has been hurled at you take control of your life. It's about taking control. No longer am I going to drink myself half to death. No more wallowing, due to events that had nothing to do with me. Ok, my personal state means these things are bound to happen...excess -> misery -> depression -> incoherence -> bizarre (and dangerous) behaviour. But no fucking more. I'm going to *try* to make my life more positive. And I'm going to cut out the people who are bringing me down / are no longer worthy of being called friends. I know I've not been a great friend to many of you of late, but I know that's not me, and my friendship is to be valued. And if the fuckers in question don't know that, well then they don't deserve me, or my love. *god this is so fucking cheesy*
I know NY is next week, but why wait? This. Has. To. Stop.