Please help my friend and his family!

Dec 17, 2015 09:33

My friend and his family lost their only car to an accident. It wasn't their fault and their insurance is paying nothing. Please donate or share this on fb/twitter to get the word out. They're in a very tough situation because of this lack of a car. Every dollar and every share helps. Thank you SO SO SO much if you can share it or donate.

From their gofundme page:


My name is Nicole, I'm 28-years-old and the mother of a wonderful ten-month-old daughter and stepmother of two wonderful special needs boys (4 and 2) with a fourth child on the way. I'm a soldier in the Army Reserves and a writer.

A week and a half ago, while on our way home to get my son off the bus, and before heading to a midwife appointment for our littlest one we were rear-ended. The driver of the other car lacked insurance (which she lied to us and to the officer at the scene about), and my insurance company has rejected our claims despite having both liability and uninsured driver coverage. Unfortunately, as the woman who did this to us is so destitute that she let her own insurance lapse in the first place, there's little point in taking her to trial for money to cover our expenses that she obviously cannot afford herself.

While we live less than three miles from my work, we also live in Wisconsin and it's winter and I am pregnant. My ability to perform either of my jobs, to say nothing of running errands or convey my children around town, relies on having some form of transportation.

My partner is permanently disabled and also the primary caregiver for our children. He has been in a great deal of pain since this accident which he has been unable to see to because there's simply no way to take him to a checkup around arranging both rides to work for myself and babysitters for our kids.

Prior to all of this we had been looking into getting a grant or a loan for a new car capable of transporting all four children, but I have effectively nonexistant credit. I am trapped in an incredibly difficult position as the weather gets colder and we come closer and closer to Christmastime. I need to find something safe that can get me and children around. This money will go entirely towards the purchase of a van capable of transporting my entire family around town as well as getting myself back and forth to drill every month.

This means everything to me. I cannot overstate how much we need this as a family. I will personally thank each and every one of you. I make all-natural foot care, face care, and body care items in my spare time for friends and family and I will happily share goody baskets with our largest donors after this is all said and done.

Please help us. I don't beg, but I am begging you to please give us a much-needed Christmas miracle.

Thank you and I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,

Nicole, Chris, Ian, Flynn, Hazel, and to-be-announced"

helpfriends, gofundme

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