Jul 22, 2013 05:35

Hello everyone. We all know how a friendzy works.

Reply with a comment telling us all about yourself and what you look for in LJ friends and post a link to this friendzy on your own journal. Spread the word!

I will leave this entry public until August 22, 2013.

I will comment with my own info!

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friendzy, friends, friending

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Comments 907

punkymcmunky July 22 2013, 10:39:44 UTC
32, female, geek, INTJ ( ... )


niknak0 July 22 2013, 22:05:04 UTC
adding you. :)


punkymcmunky July 22 2013, 22:05:49 UTC
Awesome! Adding you back!


niknak0 July 22 2013, 22:06:57 UTC
YAY! lol


cp July 22 2013, 12:40:30 UTC
I'm always down for new friends!

The basics: I'm a 37-year-old guy living in Orlando, FL. Married for almost 11 years now, with 3 adorable daughters (8, almost-6 and 2.5). Day-job is middle management office slave, but I don't write too much about that because it is what it is, a way to pay the bills. I've been on LJ since 1999, which is a bit amazing to me!

I actually did a bit of an introductory post (with photos!) a while back--feel free to take a look here for some more info. :)

I must admit that my life--and therefore my journal--is pretty boring and largely drama-free. But at least I won't spam you with nonsense! I try to post once a week or so (more if I have time), but I check my flist often and do try to comment when I feel I have something to contribute. I also don't lock much that I post, so feel free to pop over and take a look--what you see is what you get. :)


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cp July 22 2013, 18:40:54 UTC
But of course, welcome aboard! :)


redqueenofevil July 22 2013, 19:53:28 UTC
Not to mention that he is a fantastic photographer. I always love the picture posts.


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tarakins42 July 22 2013, 18:50:13 UTC
I would like to be friends! ;)


girlguitarist July 23 2013, 00:09:55 UTC
Adding you! We have almost the same name too :)


weeweekittie July 24 2013, 14:26:03 UTC
I like the cut of your jib. I hope you don't mind me adding you!


devils_sidekick July 22 2013, 19:13:46 UTC
My name ia Deborah, I am 37 and New York. I ahve been on LJ for about 8 years. I haven't really been on long as much as I was in the beginning but I am hopeing to change that.

I like to knit, write, blogging (of course), traveling, movies, photography and hanging out with friends.

My posts deal with what I am thinking and feeling at the moment. I talk a lot about my depression and meds but it is not limited to that.

I am open to making new friends from all walks of life.


tarakins42 July 22 2013, 19:27:04 UTC
I would like to add you!


devils_sidekick July 22 2013, 21:16:37 UTC
added you back. :)


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nick_101 July 22 2013, 19:21:39 UTC
I'm Nick, 29, Male, still single in California.

I write about my daily life along with some art and comics. I often post lyrics of favorite songs and randomness on entry titles. I sometimes post about concerts, food, the weather, and TV/movies.

My hobbies include comics, music (mostly in the alternative/classic rock vein along with some metal), sports, and keeping track of things.

My journal is friends only with posts coming in once or twice a day. I don't do friends cuts and I'm perfectly harmless for a ninja.


tarakins42 July 22 2013, 19:23:10 UTC
I would love to add you!


nick_101 July 22 2013, 19:25:31 UTC
Adding you, I have cats in the house as well. :D


cp July 22 2013, 20:06:37 UTC
Adding because you sound cool and creative, and I could use some more testosterone in my flist. ;)


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