Aug 30, 2006 14:16
...i talked to this girl once on the phone...and i instantly fell for her...and then she called me one time with her best friend and her friend was saying stupid shit like stay away from my cool-aid or something..really stupid stuff basically telling me to leave adrienne alone and i asked adrienne if that was a way to make me not talk to her anymore and she said no.A few days after that i wrote her a comment,and i erased all my picture comments and deleted her off my friends list..and yesterday i saw her screen name on aim and i said hi and we started talking again and i remembered how much i liked her earlier this summer and i think im falling for her again but now she has a girlfriend which is her best friend who doesnt like me..and sort of made me not like her..but i still do just not as much when i found out who her girlfriend is...she is soo sweet and sooo pretty and i dont know..maybe i should move on?