Apr 04, 2004 22:50
"Root for the Red Sox. Because the United States has won two World Wars since Boston last won a World Series. Because Pedro Martinez is the most dominant and exciting pitcher in baseball under 6-feet-10 inches. Because they're a team of ballplayers who look like they're more interested in six-packs than six-pack abs. Because Ben Affleck needs something to make up for losing J-Lo. Because if they win it all, we'll never have to hear about the Curse of the Bambino again. No, root for the Yankees. Because, ummm, well, let's see here, give me a few minutes, I'm sure I'll think of something. No, on second thought, don't root for the Yankees. Definitely don't ever root for the Yankees. Don't ever root for the Yankees under any circumstances. Root for everybody and anybody else though. Just don't use those annoying thunderstix."-ESPN
I haht Bawstin. YAY Baseball.
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