i just cant look, its killin me

Jun 07, 2006 20:04

ugh. lately ive been blah. the littlest of things keep gettin to me. but i dont feel like talkin bout them.
lets talk bout what happend last nite, actually this morning.

so i was gettin ready to go to sleep (at 3am coz i couldnt sleep) and i pull my blanket down and there was an ant in my bed. yea that did it. def not sleeping in my bed. especially since the ants are about the size of a quarter. so i make my way to the living room, turn on the lights. whats there on the wall by the fireplace?? A REALLY HUGE FREAKIN BLACK BUG! had to have been a 3 incher. wtf???? i freak out, of course. the bug crawls up to the freakin ceiling. fuck. NOW how am i gunna get it. so i continue to freak out. i get a text msg, look at my fone. and what do i see outta the corner of my eyes crawling on the floor???? ANTS! fuckers. so raid to the rescue. theyre dead. my cat's stand on the couch and shes lookin up at the ceiling, why u ask?? coz theres a ROACH on the ceiling!!! 2 bugs on the ceiling!!! WTF?! so im freakin out about 10 times worse now. spray raid on mr. roach. he flies! i scream! and run frantic! my mom wakes up. mr. roach is on floor. i DROWN him with more raid. hes dead. ok so 2 down, 1 to go. the big bad mother fucker. yea def leaving that one for mom. she got it. i stood a house away just in case it decided to fly near me. yea thats the end of my epic battle with bugs. damn i hate florida for that. the bugs r like 20 million times bigger here.
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