Apr 18, 2003 01:47
I finally saw Spirited Away!!! how CUTE is that movie?? hehe I rented it, but i just MIGHT have to own a copy...i'm very materialistic these days hehe I just bought a Linkin Park shirt that i'm sure i don't need b/c it looks like every other shirt i own except for the words "linkin park" written on it heheh ANYway, tomorrow i'll watch all the special features, there's a WHOLE extra dvd for them!
did anyone watch american idol on wednesday? WHO GOT THE BOOT? i must know! i was recording dawson's creek so i never got to see who lost *cries*
ooh, and my Dawson's creek season one dvd arrived yesterday! yayayyay...i haven't watched it yet, but just the case makes me happy heheh
tomorrow there's a creeper lagoon concert on campus, yayay! i already saw them in concert in february, but this one is free! i hope they sing their old stuff though, i didn't care for any of their new songs
i got my face threaded today...it's like waxing only without the wax...they do it with just thread, which is great b/c u don't run the risk of burning ur skin, or ripping it off, and it's less messy...IT HURT LIKE HELL mind you, but i was so happy b/c it was quick and cheapish and worth it b/c those tiny hairs were bugging the hell out of me...now my face is as smooth and hairless as a baby's behind tee hee
ok i'll shut up now...BYEYEYEYE :)