
Apr 07, 2003 02:39


So it's almost 3am and I have a six page paper due in less than 9 hours and I have not one paragraph. But do u see me panicking? NO. And here's why: My procrastination that went from watching the Real World marathon to joining the Linkin Park underground ($40 well spent) to restraightening my hair to banging my head insanely to Meteora and then 3eb's Blue to my final act of desperation-- calculating just how horrible my grades this semester can possibly be and yet still be able to graduate hehe

see, I know i have to at least pass all my damn classes to be able to graduate because I need the units...and I know I need at least a 2.0 in my major and overall to overall gpa at this point, i may as well tell u (I make no real effort to hide my underachieverness hehe IT'S WHY YOU LOVE ME GDI! hehe) is a 2.9 and i calculated that my film gpa is a 2.6...SO, what does this all mean? i'll tell u!


I'm so happy I'm gonna buy you all steak dinners!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe

i know i know, i should try my hardest and not ever settle for D's but the point is that if for some reason i actually DID get all D's (or actually, D PLUSES), I WOULD STILL BE OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE IN A MERE FIVE WEEKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that is such a load off, i can't tell you.

ok, but i shouldn't count my eggs before they've hatched or in the basket or whatever the heck that saying is...hehehe don't expect much out of me my friends for i am a D student hahah here's what will happen to spite me: I'll get all D+s and ONE D and have to stay here another semester ***RAGE*** hehe just watch, it will happen.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i can't let that happen...k, i'm going to write this damn porn paper's actually interesting...did u know that only the gay porn part of the industry requires condoms, but the heterosexual porn makers discourage it b/c viewers would rather watch unprotected sex and that's why STD's are so rampant in the industry and no one is doing anything about it b/c the business is so lucrative and no one cares about porn stars or thinks of them as victims *sniff* so sad...k, why the hell is it so easy for me to write about this on here but i'm physically incapable of writing it in paper form? oh yeh, that's hehe i'm probably not even spelling that right!! hahahah 760 verbal! what a mistake that was i bet...tee hee
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