Sep 25, 2007 06:59
So, I had to work concessions yesterday because one of the girls couldn't get a ride. Bad enough, I know. Worse: I was hit on yesterday by a man who seemed to be in his mid-twenties and still living with his mother. The conversation is as follows, with my thoughts in italics.
"Are you doing anything this weekend?"
What's this weekend again? What's today? I can't remember...
"Probably, yes."
*hands over concessions ordered, money is exchanged*
"So, how about a phone number?"
Eh, how about not?
"I don't think so."
"Why not?"
Let's see, how about the fact that you look ten years older than me and you're kind
of ugly?
"I don't give my phone number out to random people, sorry."
"How about my number?"
How about you go away?
I think my eye is twitching from the burning. My god, I bet I look like a stoner. Heh. Heh heh.
"Or are you not interested?"
Hit the nail on the head, buddy."
*says nothing, puts money in register, shoots frantic "SAVE ME!" looks at Ryan, who is
oblivious :)*
"I'll give it to you anyway." *writes down number and hands it over* "I'll be expecting a call."
You won't be getting it, mister. This is going in the t-r-a-s-h.
"Oookay. Enjoy your movie."
"Oh, I will."
Please go awaaayyyyyyy.
*he leaves and disappears in a theatre*
Needless to say, Ryan found it hilarious. Julie did too. And Megan told me that it happpened to her loads of times, not to worry about it. And me? Well, I was quite disturbed. I mean, I've been hit on before, but it's usually more GUYS MY AGE than anything, not someone who looks ten years older. Ech.
My eye is slightly better, I'm going without my right contact because when I went to put it in, my eye burned.
I effing hate allergy season, don't you?