My latest brain droppings
- 06:50 has "My Name is Inga" running through his head far too early in the morning. #
- 09:12 has a cust. who is a major used car dealership that I think is cursed by their own karma. Really, anything that can go wrong w/them, will. #
- 09:14 has learned his boss is majorly happy I am taking all these cert exams. He better. All this studying makes my brain hurt. #
- 10:44 was snarky in a work ticket: "Can't log in? They got the wrong IP. Again. Their grasp at competence is a new territory for me." #
- 13:07 From my boss: "Defeat terrorism: learn statistics." #
- 17:10 loves Halloween stores. #
- 19:09 Man, the guy next to me @ Starbucks are giving a dull as hell "motivation" PPT presentation to a coworker on his laptop. Tony Robins style. #
- 20:07 is going to go to bed with an annoying Eustachian tube-ache. Sinus to ear. Ow. #
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