At work, and some other sites, to connect to the wireless, you get a popup that asks for a login or password. The XO browser sucks at this. Plain and simple, it doesn't block popups: it simply doesn't render them. So when you have to log in to a wireless connection or a password site that uses a simple Javascript authentication popup, you never see it. Our Juniper Netscreen 5GT at work is like this, and thus I could not get wireless access.
But I remembered that the old text browser, lynx, does popups in a very unusual way. So when I was connected at home, I did a "yum install lynx" as root, and only had to download one extra dependency. Then I tried my Linksys WAP, but sadly, that popup is password-only (even though it asks for a login and password, you just leave the login blank). Lynx didn't know how to handle "blank field," so it kept asking me, "Do you want to not use a login/password." I didn't know how to tell it, "No login, just password."
But work asks for both, and I am happy to report I got connected today.
In other news, thanks to a reader tip who answered a question I forgot about (is sshd enabled and let you log in?), it seems that not only is sshd enabled, but there is no password for root (which I knew locally via "su -"). This would make it seem as if a root login is available to anyone who connects to my system! Yikes! I could imagine at an OLPC conference where one rogue hacker... does rude things.
However, I noticed that ssh to my own IP (192.168.x.x) and to localhost (, logging in as "root" a blank password gets denied. I had not tried logging in for a different system to my OLPC yet, but I figured this was the next best thing. I checked the sshd_config file, and it seems to be default "PermitRootLogin=yes," and I saw no PAM restrictions to prevent root login, the /etc/passwd file has a shell enabled, so I was at a loss as to what is blocking me, until a little research showed that "PermitEmptyPasswords" was a feature in the conf file, and the default is "no."
I am still not sure this is safe. Apparently, the build that shipped with the OLPC is okay with changing the root and olpc account password... for now... but I want to know, WHY is sshd enabled?
The chorus of angels part of this post has to be installing the NX client. It was also easy with yum.
- Go to the NoMachine site
- Download the nxclient***.i386.rpm (via wget, the XO browser did something with the file... never figured out what, I did a find / -name "*.rpm" and everything and couldn't find the damn download)
- Become root
- Edit your /etc/yum.conf and change "gpgcheck=0" (or you'll get an error about an unsigned key)
- Do yum localinstall nxclient[blahblah].i386.rpm
- Agree to the dependencies (I only had one)
- After the install, get out of root with an "exit" (safer this way)
- To run the NoMachine client, /usr/NX/bin/nxclient and it will launch the config setup.
- You're on your own, now. If you haven't used nxclient before, well... read their documentation! :) Obviously, it would have to connected to an NX Server on a Linux box.
Because of this, I don't need to worry about installing much else on the OLPC; it's on my Linux box at home. Browsers, bookmarks, my image files, even IM are all via an ssh X connection this way. This is MEGA-cool!