[continued from parts
one and
So the ticket waged on, and had a life of its own until some grinch nixed it.
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NOC: The ghost has chosen to haunt the VoIP lab and I cannot gain access to it as it is taunting me from the window. Latering for voice services.
VoIP: I banished the ghost, it is no more.
[The head of VoIP, a one-person department who demands to be known as "the head of" something, got mad that someone put it in "MY OFFICE!" which is really a storage area, and so confiscated and locked away the ghost in a manner that suggested he had taken a comic book or a set of chattering teeth from a grade school student. Much depression ensued among the ranks. So I had to get it back. But before I got a chance, someone with access to the ticket user authentication system...]
Ghost: "Boo! You cannot be rid of me that easily! I'm a GHOST!"
Software Engineering: Oh dear.... It looks like [SE engineers]'s desk somehow got hacked, and the Ghost created itself a profile!
Hosting: [really, me this time, proud of the anonymous Ghost user] Given the recent ticket comments, Hosting demands a corpse as proof of banishment.
[The head of networking made the VoIP weenie give me back the ghost, to which he handed it to me with great passive aggressive reluctance]
Hosting: Ghost corpse reviewed. Might be someone's former sense of humor that died in childhood.
[... the end?]
PS: Our overhead projector died. I thought of hanging the ghost from the empty mounts and putting a Post-It (Ghost-it?) that said, "Spirit of Overhead Projector."
PPS: Any ideas where to go from here?