Nov 11, 2003 17:35
yeah i've been super busy.. i JUST got online.. psshhh whatever. it's been so long since i wrote in here.. john's been keeping me busy hehe. he spent the night at my house last night hehe... my dad didn't care. kind of weird but whatever. i guess he likes john. we didn't have sex!!!. we rented "confidence" but we didn't finish watching it. we also rented ''lord of the rings: the two towers" but we didn't finish watching it either. he got me a bunch of flowers and a really, REALLY sweet card on my birthday. my sister and i almost cried over the card hahaha. softies.
SPEAKING OF BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am 18 now. yay.. it was like the most fucking awesome birthday ever. i can't even describe it. so many people, so many gifts, so much dancing, so much music, so much fun and no police were called. GO SANDY!!! the best gifts i got were the photo scrapbook from dj, and sandy and the new car from my dad and mom. lisa didn't come to my party 'til late cause she was at her own shindig in del mar. my mom paid for her trip to europe with her friends but that isn't 'til next summer so they also got her a gift certificate to best buy for $500. i was kind of jealous of that but whatever. anyway i've been cruising in my truck (pathfinder) and hanging out with john and stuff. i've barely had time to hang out with sandy the past week but i'm super happy and i still love sandy and dj, and matt and everyone.