cse bulllll. forced myself to study cse today by bringing ONLY cse notes to study date with jeanie.but i CANT ABSORB NO SHIT!. so there wasnt productivity today and we ended up at mini 4c gathering against our initial plans not to.made me broke ttm x.x
and time does not wait
jeanie drawing her signature prawn: the cooked one =S
shihong, the noobie poopie piggie vulgarieeeeexxzxzxzxzssszzxxz. he kicked josiah under the table and when josiah looked at him,he pointed to me.as if he'll know i kicked josiah under the table LOL NOOOOBBBOOOOOBBBBOOOO.
finally,normality =D
i neeeeeeeed 3513135347458704567 hours a day! >=/ i hate tuitionxzxzxz wake me up when september ends,outxxxxz.