Oct 10, 2004 17:44
so i went to get celina yesterday and then we drove out here (oneonta) to see our holly anne. :) we missed her so we came to visit.
our car ride was quite the interesting guy. we had fun. one we hit I-88 it was all over for us. we were giggle monsters til we arrived at the school. haha... it was probably one of the most interesting rides i've ever had. our conversations ranged from young children to the scenery to calling holly and telling her we were in maryland (it's in ny on the way) and a few really silly other things. the ride wasn't too long because i had celina with me. i love the scenery out here it's sooooooooooo gorgeous. celina took pictures while i drove that i'll probably ask her to send me. :) yay... so that was fun and we finally made it here at around 1:30. we went into town to walmart so celina could get some stuff then we went to burger king for food and came back to watch the senses fail dvd. :) yay... that was time like 8952045204. :)
then we hung out and started getting really silly. celina instantly became a parapalegic wheelchair missing superman because my red "rockstar" blanket became her cape. hahaha i took video and it is still hilarious to watch. :) hahaha... i'll keep that forever and ever and ever and ever. its so funny if you all could see it you'd probably piss yourself. :) celina rolls around on the floor and sings "i am the walrus". it was the greatest thing. oh well. if you're cool maybe i'll find a way to post it. hahah... then a whole bunch of holly's friends from school came in to hang out. it was really funny. we were up until 7 am just talking and raising hell. celina did her fake orgasm on the phone to matt and he busted out laughing. celina cock smacked holly's friend tyler (aka t2). it was grrrreat. we had fun. we watched some south park and laughed. they played hopscotch in the hallway while we listened to hanson. hahaha. it was hilarious. i love the people out here they're such a good time. haha i love it. i'm having a blast. and i think i laughed so fucking hard last nite that i broke a rib because man i'm in pain right now. it was sooooo funny all the stuff that happened last nite. i can't even begin to explain everything that happened cuz it was sooo good. we finally got to bed at like 7am and i slept until about 1ish.
"its not me buried wreckage my soul... it's not me... so who am i now?" sorry i love that line. :)
i got up showered. we all went to dunkin donuts so celina and i could get bagels and then we came back to the dorms to eat. it's absolutely freezing outside. :'( i hate the cold. it sucks. but then we watched some foamy the squirrel cartoons on the computer and then we went to wilsbach for more food. celina and i stole sandwiches for later so we're not hungry and spending more money. haha... and idk what we're doing right now. i guess they want to go into town to go see a movie. i guess that's what we're doing.. idk though. we'll see. kristen will be coming tonite. she's outta work at 10 and she'll be here after that. :) yay that should be fun. i haven't seen kristen in forever and i miss her. haha... and then we leave early tomorrow to come home. then i work at 5pm on tuesday... woo hoo. so i guess this means another nite of not sleeping. and then driving really far tomorrow. :-/ i guess i'll go home and crash. yay
well i guess i'm off now. i'll update when i get home. love you all...
btw... i didn't get lost or into any accidents on the way here... lets hope the same for the way home. hahaha... oh well.