and so i've been thinking...

Jul 01, 2004 11:40

so yes... after reading holly's journal entry about our excursion to the mall to see the notebook the other nite i realized how much the whole conversation with davis has been bothering me.

so this is how it went down for those of you who dont read holly's journal:
holly and i were sitting in the food court and we decided to call davis to see if he wanted to come to see the movie with me and holly. he came out with the excuse that he couldn't because he didn't have money. and then a few minutes later the excuse was he didn't have gas to get to work for the rest of the week. and then it was that he had to drive his girlfriend home. well he's a revelation if i've ever had one... DON'T GO OUT TO BARRE TO PICK UP YOUR 16 YEAR OLD GIRLFRIEND EVERYDAY AND THEN YOU'LL HAVE MONEY AND GAS TO GO PLACES. but apparently i'm the only one that realizes these things. so then i was like ok... i dont get it. he's like what? i'm like you all bitch and moan and complain all the time that you NEVER see me and you want to see me and hang out and this and all but when i come up and call you and tell you then you're busy or hanging with other people. it had never been a problem to hang out before and all of a sudden it is. and he comes out with, "well, what if the people i'm with don't want to?" now it took a minute for that to settle in and i finally realized that what he meant was that the people he was hanging out with didn't want to hang out with me and holly. well what the fuck is that. i never knew it was cool to put your best friends after some stupid teenage teenieboppers. whatever it's bullshit.

so i being the bitch that i can be said well davis you know i'm really tired of hearing everyone say that they miss me and want to see me and then when i call them to tell them i'm up for the weekend or for the day then they tell me they're busy. he's like well when you come up call me on ur way up so i know and we can hang out. i'm like davis... i call you on friday afternoon when i'm coming up to tell you i'll be there all weekend and then we dont hang out. and he's like well you catch me at a bad time... WHEN I'M THERE FOR A WHOLE FRIGGIN WEEKEND I CATCH YOU AT A BAD TIME...WTF IS THAT? so if i get you while ur still at work that's a good time? i'm so confused...

apparently people dont get that when holly goes away to college in the fall i will NOT be coming up unless it is to see holly on her breaks. so without holly there is no me visiting because that's where i stay. the end!!! apparently it isn't clear that the only time they'll see me is in the next two months then i disappear until like december. whatever... it looks like holly and i will spend all our time together. and that'll just be it because no one that we hung out with wants to hang out with us anymore because they are apparently too cool or whatever. fuck that... we've been there for all of you for soooooooo long and now ur just gonna be like well fuck amanda and holly... no fuck you because you're the ones missing out.

so if you want to pick some stupid ass teenie bopper girlfriend and her stupid friends along with other shitty people to hang out with instead of your friends that have always been there for you then screw off. pick the people that are only hanging out with you for a ride or just because you're in a band or because you're older. whatever it's bullshit. just remember when you need an opinon on something or someone to help you out... it won't be me. i've had it. if you dont want to hang out... then say so. if you dont want to talk to me... then say so.

when i go up to mass again next week davis said we'll hang out. holly and i were invited to band practice and what not. then i was told that we can hang out other than that. we'll see if it actually happens. :( that's such a sad thing to say. holly and i decided that when/if we do hang out with the guys we're doing 18+ activities. the end! i dont like davis' girlfriend and i think she has a lot to do with davis not hanging out with me and holly so i dont want her there. nor do i want sam bretton and her bf there. fuck them. i dont like them and never have and because of all the shit that's been said screw them.

the end... sorry about my ranting but i'm fed up with it. so if there is anyone that doesn't want to hang out with me and holly just say it now.

leave lj love... xoxo
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