missing my one and only....

Apr 09, 2004 11:55

i dont kno what to think anymore...i love him soo damn much that it hurtz.... i screwed up the other day and i kno i did...but that was it...my parents are keeping us away from eachother...they literally broke us up, at least that is what he thinks they did...they told me that they were not trying to do that, that we were doing it to ourselves...but he thinks they are doing it to us..and i dont kno what to think...he wrote me a note yesterday and gave it to me, and to me it sounds like he is basically saying that we cant be together nemore...i dont kno what to do...i wrote him a note back telling him not to break us up b/c of my parents..but i dont kno what he is thinking....he said he was gonna miss me when he was in florida for spring break..and i told him that i love him...then he just started walking off saying that he would see me later...i wanna kill myself...my best friend could care less about what is goin on with me b/c last nite she was more anxious/worried about gettin me ID so she could go clubbing with her other friend....instead of hanging out with me, she was with her other friend..well, yeah, i didnt give her my ID b/c im not gettin in nemore trouble than i am in now...all i kno is that im now just gonna be thinking all week b/c he is not here, and im gonna be working....i gotz 32.75 hours next week for spring break and its gonna be okay i guess...ill be gettin me sum moneyz...so yeah, ill be working with matt too, but its not the same w/o him....i love you ryan....

You’re giving me too many things
Lately you’re all I need
You smiled at me and said,

Don’t get me wrong I love you
But does that mean I have to meet your father?
When we are older you’ll understand
What I meant when I said “No,
I don’t think life is quite that simple”

When you walk away
You don’t hear me say please
Oh baby, don’t go
Simple and clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

It’s hard to let it go
The daily things that keep us all busy
Are confusing me
That’s when you came to me and said,

Wish I could prove I love you
But does that mean I have to walk on water?
When we are older you’ll understand
It’s enough when I say so
And maybe some things are that simple

Hold me
Whatever lies beyond this morning
Is a little later on
Regardless of warnings the future doesn’t scare me at all
Nothing’s like before

don't let go....
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