Nov 14, 2003 20:51
yeah, well, its been a while since i have much stuff has been goin on with me. I now officially have NO life whatsoever. I work at BJs basically every day til closing and get very little sleep...only had about 10 hours of sleep all week..i extremely yeah...then there is softball every sunday so that makes me even more tired...then i have to deal with talkin to scott about kendall ( i love talkin to scott, i mean..i love him soo much )...he is just still in love with kendall, so im tryin to make him happy...thats all i reallie want for him is to be yeah, thats about all thats goin on in my, work, softball, friends, and sleep (when i can get it) yeah...if u ever wanna talk or whatever...maybe chill sumtime when im free too, call me up