Aug 03, 2007 10:36
July 9th my Dad's family side go to the airport to fly on a 10 hour flight to Copenhagen Denmark. There's already half the family in Europe as they left about 2 days before us. So its Mary, Grandma, Ma, Da, and Us boys. The flight eh was fine but inconveniently there was not a shortage of babies. Baby behind and beside us. The one behind us had a mean streak, a cry-whine that sounded a lot like a drill. The parents were not very excusable, the baby would kick and stuff, even they would kinda push our chairs. Not even a smile to say sorry or excuse me, my baby kicked you in the face when you were asleep. That didn't happen but even so it wasn't very enjoyable. Hardly any sleep and its daylight as we fly mostly because we are heading towards the daylight. we land, we take a taxi to this section of Copenhagen which is pretty chill but its not like the country. Just city without extreme buildings. The place we stayed at was more a time-share hotel with individual rooms and 2 bathrooms to share. Rob and I shared this MASSIVE room, would be PERFECT for the entire family if we all packed in.
So we're in Copenhagen for a few days and go on a few tours to see the city museums... some pretty fascinating stuff for the home of Hans Christian Andersen. The mermaid statue was there...the icon has riddled people before with its small size. Some have succeeded in cutting her bronze head off twice and blown her up. So much for Ariel.
Furthermore we get to the day of the cruise but not before I tell you that Copenhagen is the 2nd most expensive city, London being number one. a coke...3 bucks our money. You can certainly find it cheaper in the small supermarkets but unfortunately nobody was aware of it. Meals of a small or standard size all total about 100 bucks. That is my rant about Europe, seriously getting expensive.
The day we go to the cruise Grandma and I had gotten sick the day before, nursing runny noses that kinda came into a fever for her. I didn't get it that bad but my nose finally got better. all I can say was wow when I stepped on to the boat. It was class. Free meals of a serving buffet style. Cooks made your own meal in front of you. Pasta like spiros style with the hole cups to cook em in. It was just lunch when we got on so I just HEAVED all on my tray. Not that I dont like food in Copenhagen but despite it being so damn expensive, I felt bad for anyone paying the bill. All this food is freeeeeee. Comes in the boat package.
Now we are in Copenhagen still but soon to cast off at dinnertime.
Dinner is in the Rotterdam Lounge, this 5 star restaurant served some of the most enticing delicacies and fine dining foods you'll set your eyes on. Culinary delights. I cant remember all my meals but a few like this roast beef cut, Shrimp Cocktails, Lamb...some very good meals that my grandmother used to make and at this time my Grandma has forgotten all memory of cooking for us. If it was anyone who could cook one of the most fabulous dinners for christmas, thanksgiving...sunday nights it was her. Im probably going to get a tattoo in her memory and Im working on the title. Hope Ashleigh can help my design it.
So fine dining...getting set on the boat. Moving out toward our destination: Flam which is actually FLOAM cus of a little circle over the a in Norwegian. Sleeeeeepy town in the valley of a fjord. Hills and mountains shoot up high and make hillclimbers drool with adrenaline rush. This town fascinated me not only because of its extreme landscape but how remote it really seemed. Trains took you on tours in this town but we never got to go on them because they were sold out by the time we got to the ticket booth. So...we just went around the shops and looked. Mom knows how I am with shopping and all this trip I was determined to find something worthwhile not made in China or Taiwan. Lots of stuff was but Im glad I got to save some money cus I'll get to it. Mom Rob and I took a small hike and on our way up the small hill we saw billy goats. feeding on the small shrub Mom got pictures of us and a small movie of me cus Ashleigh likes how I have a billy goat impression. So we walk up this hill and you could pretty much see all of Flam but its a wide hill. Seeing the other side of town, the waterfalls. Man so many waterfalls in this area. The ironic thing is that during the summer this area is so wet that it shames Washington during the rain seasons. Rain is on and off but its constant almost every day.
We got down the hill and lucky to meet up with a few family members. I went with a few to an old wooden church built in the mid 1600s. Now European..thats nothing but this climate youd think they'd build it out of stone. Little graveyard surrounding it.
Then we had to head back quick cus the ship has curfews to get back on the water to our next stop. Now Im not gonna lay out each stop here but we stop in Alesund, Trondheim, Bergen, Oslo and a few small places that we just decided to stay on the boat. So every time I got off I picked up a rock. Funny thing is that each rock I got had a certain figure to where I picked it up. I got FLAT stones in city areas and rugged or round stones in any towns with the fjords. Not my intention but worked out well to being good free souveniers.
I'll speed through the cruise that there were shows, comedy, music plenty of music. This band called Frigg was a Norwegian style of Riverdance, a very young crew and they were awesome but the night just got to me and I headed back to the room. Ah some stuff was good other stuff I couldnt hear. This is the downside of hearing loss, Your hearing is relatively fine but any microphone speaking is a lot like having someone speak loudly with a paper in front of thier mouth. all I hear is really Blah blah blah when Im seriously trying to listen. Im not mean, but if anything would help to clean up how mike sound really is, I'd kiss em. Man woman or ...well you get the idea that its that hard to comprehend. Most of these shows I didnt go to because they had a lot of over-the-hill crap. Bear in mind we are in Norway. The tourist age that is common between the ages of 34-and 65. My age and a little lower ratio on the boat was like outnumbered 20 to 1.
So we met a few people our age, had fun for the last couple days on the cruise and....I go home with a nasty ear infection. Goddamn Cabin Pressure.
I've got pictures on my moms camera, I knew I should've invested in a digital camera.
Anyways Other positive influences in my life have been Ashleigh. I've kinda turned my life around and some decisions have been changed because the timing isn't right for it. College to speak of is now on a hiatus. Im deciding to work through the year and seriously put a good set of marks on my Resume for any chance into another school. I never had luck in Vancouver and I wonder why the schools never contacted me. Its great money...including the benifits for me so Im not worried. I've been placed in this position and having benifits is awesome. Now my dentist can't go " you know your mom and dad are paying for this..." Im going to're wrong there buddy. Anyways so Im going to try and save some money up and try to get outta the house. This is not home to me much. its home but home is not supporting me with rations and parents stay out a lot later. I blame myself not being home but they come home late so much I dont get to call them on the phone.
So Ashleigh and I may get a place to stay...if she gets a place to stay that is. Her parents have made the arrangements to move to Florida where her Dad has transferred to a new section of the company he works for. This was a while back but she was in a deep deep hole and I before told her she was diggin that hole. Now she has seriously filled that hole and now is ready to climb out and be level. so chances are that Im saving up the money for a couple months and so is she. She may move in with a friend of hers. She doesn't want to go to Florida and I don't blame her. I've grown so close to her in such a short time that we understand each other top to bottom. I could say " I was happy with my ex" but I wasn't everything felt guilty and people asked me are you gonna ask her? Dudes and all you, goddamn it. Young is who I am now and I haven't even started a damn bankroll to share. Im not ready for that and I know it. I want to be married I want to have kids but I gotta be somewhat solid. I want to have that house that I can pay the bank for. I want to call a house my own Im paying for and be happy with the person I live in it with. Being with my ex taught me a lot about how to handle stressful...deep stressful situations. I wasn't happy but I have lifted such a weight from my shoulders along with Ashleigh and her situations that I can't help but be happy. I want to be honest to her as I can be and I have nothing to hide. But remembering things makes it hard to stand the past to be brought up again. She and I share a common past, a painful past. and I regret to say to my friends I am so sorry to have neglected you. Ryan Tracy, Jamie. College makes us busy but I've gotten tied up in a seriously bad situation that dragged me from Home. I miss you guys an awful lot so we must hang out soon. Please meet Ashleigh she's more than happy to accept my friends. This is what i want. Someone who isn't shy to hang with my friends, my family. Im surprised how kind, loving and understanding she has been. I silently hug onto what I have, and embrace tightly if she's in front of me. Love can either be a rush or a poison. I just may have the antidote.
So if all goes well I'll be moving out AGAIN but with a better person IM sure. Better situation and more solid income. You're all invited to the party when we move out.
Håp til å se du all snart!