Our relationship 1. Have we kissed?: not that i know of, but we were supposed to for a dare that we still havent done... 2. Do you want to?: depends on my mood 3. What would you like our relationship to be?: better 4. Have we dated?: almost 5. Did you like it?: how can i like something i havent done? (think of that in a wrong way lol) 6. Do you want to date?: you? i'm sorry, but i dont think it would work 7. Are we close friends?: i hope so 8. Would you be here if I needed you?: after 4 hours on a plane freezing my ass off and sitting next to some scrawny dude getting ass raped by a big hairy fat guy named bubu lmao 9. Are you attracted to me?: in what way? 10. Mentally, sexually, or both?: IN WHAT WAY? 11. Do you love me?: ummm... as a friend? sure y not
Appearance Do you like my- 12. Face?: sure 13. Eyes?: ya 14. Lips?: idk i havent stared at your lips lately 15. Body?: maybe if you'd take your god damn shirt off in the fucking pool i would know what your body looks like and then i could answer this question 16. Arms?: ok 17. Legs?: never seen 19. Ass?: havent felt, cant tell 20. Hands?: hands are hands 21. Hair?: SKATER HAIR IS THE BEST
Do think I'm- 22. Sexy?: are you wearing ladies langerie? (jk) 23. Beautiful?: YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR OWN POSTAGE STAMP 24. Hot?: OMG A FEVER OF 107.5! (that's the rock station in vegas lol) look on the bright side, atleast there's no brain to fry! nah i'm just messin, ur smart jon 25. Cute?: ya
Personality Do you think I'm- 26. Crazy?: who isnt? 27. Nice?: at times 28. Fun to be around?: duh 29. Funny?: ya 30. Annoying?: when you get all depressed
Would you.. 31. Share chocolate with me?: yes 32. Spend a weekend with me?: yes 33. Alone?: OK I SO REMEMBER TAKING THIS B4! and to answer the question, sure y not 34. Hook up with me?: Uhh 35. Have sex with me?: idk ;) 36. Care if I ran away?: yeah, and i'd run away with you 37. Care if I died?: YES! I WOULD CRY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL 38. Miss me if I left?: cha 39. Hang out with me?: sure
What would you do if.. 40. I kissed you?: well, knowing me you should all know that i cant refuse a kiss 41. You found out I was missing?: i would call ur cell phone and we would talk, and i'd run away and we'd live on a bench called ned. 42. You found out I was in the hospital?: i would go there and bring those dunkable sticky things and force you to recreate the commercial 43. You found out I was dead?: so NOT thinking about that 44. I cried?: i'd assume either your dick got cut off or your mom died cuz you dont look like you cry easily 45. I asked you for help?: i'd say 'as long as it's not help jacking off' lol 46. I told you I loved you?: i'd huggle you 47. I told you I hated you?: if it was a joke i would get the 'home alone' look on my face and if you were serious i would ask you y 48. Someone told you I wanted you to kiss me?: i'd ask 49. Someone told you I had a crush on you?: See above answer
In the last week have you.. 50. Wanted to kiss me?: depends, in the last week have you wanted to kiss me? 51. Wanted to see me?: Yes 52. Wanted to have sex with me?: you never know... 53. Wanted to tell me you loved me?: ummm... 54. Wanted to spend alone time with me? eh, what the hell :) 55. Wanted to get to know me better?: couldnt hurt 56. Thought about me?: damn straight beotch 57. Missed me?: well duh 58. Wanted me?: ...to do my algebra homework? WHY THANK YOU JON! it's so nice of you to offer! *hands 5 books, stacks of papers etc. etc.. etc...* 59. Seen me?: no 60. Kissed me?: No
Have I.. 61. Kissed you? uuuuuummm... i dont know... i dont THINK so but i'm not sure. 62. Hugged you? idk pretty sure 63. Told you I loved you?: i think 64. Made you happy?: Yep 65. Made you sad?: Yep 66. Made you angry?: Yep 67. Made you feel better if you were upset?: Yep
Are you.. 68. Happy you know me?: Yeah... 69. Going to post this is your journal so I can answer it?: i didnt take this for nothing ya know! 70. Done with this survey?: if not then i've officially blocked questions 71+ from my mind.
1. Have we kissed?: not that i know of, but we were supposed to for a dare that we still havent done...
2. Do you want to?: depends on my mood
3. What would you like our relationship to be?: better
4. Have we dated?: almost
5. Did you like it?: how can i like something i havent done? (think of that in a wrong way lol)
6. Do you want to date?: you? i'm sorry, but i dont think it would work
7. Are we close friends?: i hope so
8. Would you be here if I needed you?: after 4 hours on a plane freezing my ass off and sitting next to some scrawny dude getting ass raped by a big hairy fat guy named bubu lmao
9. Are you attracted to me?: in what way?
10. Mentally, sexually, or both?: IN WHAT WAY?
11. Do you love me?: ummm... as a friend? sure y not
Do you like my-
12. Face?: sure
13. Eyes?: ya
14. Lips?: idk i havent stared at your lips lately
15. Body?: maybe if you'd take your god damn shirt off in the fucking pool i would know what your body looks like and then i could answer this question
16. Arms?: ok
17. Legs?: never seen
19. Ass?: havent felt, cant tell
20. Hands?: hands are hands
Do think I'm-
22. Sexy?: are you wearing ladies langerie? (jk)
24. Hot?: OMG A FEVER OF 107.5! (that's the rock station in vegas lol) look on the bright side, atleast there's no brain to fry! nah i'm just messin, ur smart jon
25. Cute?: ya
Do you think I'm-
26. Crazy?: who isnt?
27. Nice?: at times
28. Fun to be around?: duh
29. Funny?: ya
30. Annoying?: when you get all depressed
Would you..
31. Share chocolate with me?: yes
32. Spend a weekend with me?: yes
33. Alone?: OK I SO REMEMBER TAKING THIS B4! and to answer the question, sure y not
34. Hook up with me?: Uhh
35. Have sex with me?: idk ;)
36. Care if I ran away?: yeah, and i'd run away with you
38. Miss me if I left?: cha
39. Hang out with me?: sure
What would you do if..
40. I kissed you?: well, knowing me you should all know that i cant refuse a kiss
41. You found out I was missing?: i would call ur cell phone and we would talk, and i'd run away and we'd live on a bench called ned.
42. You found out I was in the hospital?: i would go there and bring those dunkable sticky things and force you to recreate the commercial
43. You found out I was dead?: so NOT thinking about that
44. I cried?: i'd assume either your dick got cut off or your mom died cuz you dont look like you cry easily
45. I asked you for help?: i'd say 'as long as it's not help jacking off' lol
46. I told you I loved you?: i'd huggle you
47. I told you I hated you?: if it was a joke i would get the 'home alone' look on my face and if you were serious i would ask you y
48. Someone told you I wanted you to kiss me?: i'd ask
49. Someone told you I had a crush on you?: See above answer
In the last week have you..
50. Wanted to kiss me?: depends, in the last week have you wanted to kiss me?
51. Wanted to see me?: Yes
52. Wanted to have sex with me?: you never know...
53. Wanted to tell me you loved me?: ummm...
54. Wanted to spend alone time with me? eh, what the hell :)
55. Wanted to get to know me better?: couldnt hurt
56. Thought about me?: damn straight beotch
57. Missed me?: well duh
58. Wanted me?: ...to do my algebra homework? WHY THANK YOU JON! it's so nice of you to offer! *hands 5 books, stacks of papers etc. etc.. etc...*
59. Seen me?: no
60. Kissed me?: No
Have I..
61. Kissed you? uuuuuummm... i dont know... i dont THINK so but i'm not sure.
62. Hugged you? idk pretty sure
63. Told you I loved you?: i think
64. Made you happy?: Yep
65. Made you sad?: Yep
66. Made you angry?: Yep
67. Made you feel better if you were upset?: Yep
Are you..
68. Happy you know me?: Yeah...
69. Going to post this is your journal so I can answer it?: i didnt take this for nothing ya know!
70. Done with this survey?: if not then i've officially blocked questions 71+ from my mind.
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