Jun 24, 2004 01:26
ok everybody, so ronald reagan. dead? yes. sad for nancy? absolutely. sad for me? not too much.
Top 16 Reasons Why, While I'm Not Necessarily Glad That He's Dead, I'm Glad He'll Never Be President Again :
16) The Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Gipper said in 1980, had been “humiliating to the South.” “I would have voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” he said in 1966.
15) On August 5, 1981, he fired 11,359 air-traffic controllers who were on strike, breaking their union (which had endorsed him in 1980).
14) He kept the minimum wage frozen at $3.35 an hour for eight years.
13) While cutting taxes on the rich, he raised the Social Security tax.
12) In 1981, Reagan attempted to slash $1.5 billion from the federal school-lunch program, insisting that ketchup and relish should qualify as vegetables.
11) National debt increased approximately 450 percent from the time Reagan took office until his successor, George H. W. Bush, left office.
10) On August 11, 1984, Reagan announced on the radio: “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve just signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.” (The Gipper thought he was just doing a mic check.)
9) “It’s silly talking about how many years we will have to spend in the jungles of Vietnam when we could pave the whole country and put parking strips on it and still be home by Christmas.” (Oct. 10, 1965)
8) Under Reagan, the Nixon-spawned “war on drugs” emphasized imprisonment. Funds for treatment were slashed as the number of Americans imprisoned for drugs increased dramatically. First Lady Nancy Reagan’s solution? “Just say no.”
7) Homelessness was virtually nonexistent before Reagan, He cut federal housing funds by 75 percent. “What we have found in this country… is the people who are sleeping on the grates, the homeless who are homeless, you might say, by choice,” Reagan said in 1984.
6) Under Reagan, the U.S. cast the single vote against a World Health Organization code for infant formula
5) He invaded the tiny Caribbean island of Grenada in 1983 without informing Congress, which has sole constitutional authority to declare war. Reagan explains Congress might have tried to “restrict the president’s constitutional powers as commander-in-chief.” Not too many such powers in the Constitution there, Gipper.
4) He gave military aid to Saddam Hussein to use against Iran, including chemical weapons. Then his administration gave military aid to the Ayatollahs to use against Iraq as part of the Iran-Contra scandal.
3) He financed and armed the Afghan mujahedeen fighting the Soviet-backed regime in Kabul. Among the mujahedeen were future leaders of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, including a young, rich Saudi expatriate named Osama bin Laden.
2) Uniquely observant: “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
and now, with special thanks to indymedia.org the #1 Reason Why, While I'm Not Necessarily Glad That He's Dead, I'm Glad He'll Never Be President Again:
"Trees cause more pollution than automobiles," Ronald Reagan, 1981