Jun 18, 2004 00:32
Its really early in the morning... in fact only 33 minutes of it have happened so far. Yep, this is the opening post to possibly the most boring life ever. heh. I try to keep things interesting once and a while, but then my natural boringness starts to set in...
Well, I just got back from the beautiful Caribbean! I went on a seven day cruise from San Juan to St. Thomas to Dominica to Barbados to Aruba and back to San Juan!
Puerto Rico... Oh my god. Beautiful women and crazy ass drivers! The people drive worst than me, and that's saying a lot. I think they have horn happy hands, cause they honk at everything and call people 'stupidos' and stuff like that. Our taxi driver Orlando... he was driving us from the hotel to the cruise ship, and he was zigging in and out of traffic, cutting people off. And he called everyone else crazy drivers. heh. Anyway, PR was ok, but once I saw the Cruise ship Carnival Destiny, I knew this was going to be one hell of a vacation.
Carnival Destiny... What can I say? It really is a fun ship, just like they advertise. The thing is so big that it just looks like a building when you're next to it at port. But once you're on it you realize why it cost 3 thousand bucks! Its fucking gorgeuous! There were lights and coridors and all sorts of fancy shit. I can't describe it. I was dreading the travel, but I really got used to it fast. My room was in the very back of the ship, and it wasn't that great, but hey, I didn't pay for it so it's all good. The thing that struck me as negative was all the fucking rocking once we were out at sea... I didn't get seasick, but I felt real drunk, so after I did drink later on, I didn't know what the hell was going on.
St. Thomas... The morning after the night of travel we arrived at beautiful St. Thomas. It's home to many Jamaicans and Dominicans. (It's also a Virgin Island... but not the one Tim Duncan is from). I got some braids there, about 57 to be exact... They looked nice, but the beads started to piss me off. Everytime I walked (tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh, tsh,)... Ugh. Well, not much else happened at this island, other than some shopping and sight seeing.
Dominica... The first island we visited that wasn't American Soil. Yay! As soon as we got off the ship we were bombarded with a bunch of guys in robes beating drums and singing and begging for money... it was good music though. Then we went on our tour, to the other side of the island where we went kayaking... ugh! Dont do it unless you like kayaking, two miles of pure hell across the ocean... Once we got to where we needed to via hell boat... kayaks... we snorkeled for an hour or so. Really nice, until I brushed up on some fire coral... name implied! That shit burnt for days! But I really liked Dominica, because the people were so laid back (like me), but in a good way... not corrupted by American ideals.
Barbados... WTF! Second most beautiful island in the Caribbean, and mother nature opened a can of whoop ass on us. Rain, rain, rain... so instead of going to a nice beach, we took a two hour taxi tour drive through the country side... which had nothing but shitloads of wild sugarcane. So Barbados blew.. except Puebla... she was, uhm... nice. heh.
Day At Sea... Yay!!! We were in the middle of fucking nowhere... it sucked. And the boat was rocking like satan. I think we played ping pong all day, which i discovered i was bad ass at...
Aruba... Fuck yeah... that's what I'm talking about biotch! That island kicked the shit out of anywhere I've ever been. As soon as we got off, I saw the most genius sign ever... "Aruba... Where the beaches are just as fine as the bitches!" Hardcore... The legal drinking age was 16... so we all know how that ended.. heh. We went to this place called De Palm Island... it's like a cape or some shit... a beach just randomly sticking up maybe half a mile off the coast. And OMFG... the water is so fucking blue its amazing. You could actually see to the bottom! And we went snorkeling, and there were tons... shitloads of fish! Tropical fish.. with teeth. Those fuckers were huge! You could actually swim with them and shit... I felt like a fish, I was underwater without going up for about 45 minutes. It was badass.
Another Day at Sea... Sucked! The hangover from Aruba and the hardcore rocking from the boat didn't help... sheesh. They said that since we were traveling up sea the boat rocks ten times more than it usually does... which is a pain in the ass, and more work for whoever mops the decks, heh...
Puerto Rico again! I was kinda glad to be back on U.S. soil, but I still longed for some English speaking people. I had to wait at the airport for 4 hours until the four hour flight to be in America. Shit... America is ok, but it's better when you've been away for awhile.
Well, that's pretty much it... I could go into detail about it all, but that would take ages to type. And I'm lazy as shit...