Apr 23, 2007 16:18
Shannon Miller: nancy drew comes out june 15th
Lauren Miller: i saw that BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Lauren Miller: she's like 14
Shannon Miller: hahaha really?
Shannon Miller: well tom cruise is a hrdy boy
Shannon Miller: hardy
Lauren Miller: uh no
Lauren Miller: i've seen the preview
Shannon Miller: I think the other hardy boy is what's his name from the ....what?
Shannon Miller: who is it then
Lauren Miller: uh there were no hardy boys in the preview i saw
Lauren Miller: what the hell are you reading
Shannon Miller: ew.com
Lauren Miller: he would make a good frank
Shannon Miller: no
Shannon Miller: they haven't started it yet
Shannon Miller: in talks
Lauren Miller: but tom cruise as a person sucks
Lauren Miller: and would ruin the character for me
Shannon Miller: tom cruise and what's his name from the office
Lauren Miller: jim?
Shannon Miller: no
Lauren Miller: I WON'T SEE IT
Shannon Miller: steve
Shannon Miller: tom and steve catrell
Lauren Miller: is he supposed to be joe?
Shannon Miller: I swear I read that somewhere
Shannon Miller: I don't know
Lauren Miller: god i hate when hollywood fucks up characters
Shannon Miller: whoa calm down turbo
Lauren Miller: no god damnit
Lauren Miller: and if nancy's hair isn't reddish blond i'll torch the studio
Shannon Miller: no
Shannon Miller: wrong
Shannon Miller: tom cruise and ben stiller
Lauren Miller: wow i seriously had to count to ten to calm down
Lauren Miller: it's not working
Lauren Miller: i'm so angry i'm nearly blinded
Shannon Miller: www.iwatchstuff.com/2007/02/tom_cruise_ben_stiller_to_be_h.php
Shannon Miller: found it
Shannon Miller: calm it
Lauren Miller: ben "fucking" stiller??
Lauren Miller: seriously????
Lauren Miller: did they open a BOOK??
Shannon Miller: wait its a rumor
Shannon Miller: but still
Shannon Miller: read the link
Lauren Miller: it might piss me off more
Shannon Miller: no
Shannon Miller: like I said its a rumor
Shannon Miller: wait wait...tom cruise is looking to star with ben stiller in an updated verison of the hardy boys
Lauren Miller: if it's going to be a serious movie they better bleach ben's hair
Shannon Miller: called the hardy men
Shannon Miller: LMAO
Lauren Miller: god i had to choke back my vomit
Shannon Miller: hahahahahaha
Shannon Miller: fannnnntastic
Shannon Miller: hollywood - ruining children’s youth born in the 80s
Lauren Miller: fuck them all
nancy drew,
hardy boys,