Jul 17, 2004 23:10

Heya, went to the show friday it was cooler then cool! loved every moither EFEN minute of it!
Muhahahah the band s were awsome!

I went with MArra *thans for the ride BABE*, met up with Shauna, Kelly, and other peeps we just saw there! YEp i had loads and loads of fun! Gerren was there YAY (he is soo hot with his new haircut, which isnt that new), Will was there ( just a newly 15 year old, they grow up so fast) aww, and a red head boy that i wanna call Patrick but thats not it, mabey his name was steven yea that was it, i think. Shawn Atwood was there, ahh how good it was to see him for like 2 seconds! hahaha! Liz his girlfriend was there, she looks, ah hwhats the word? DIFFERENT? hmm..... good or bad different? for fear of my life i will say GOOD! hahaha! okay and that bout sums it up!

Oh right ihave an new extreame hate for my breasts! they just get in the goddamn way, iam so short i get elbowed in them all the time can you say OUCH! i can!!

Okay i would love to give my friendly shout outs too, all those i stated about, Anna, Adrian of coursecannot forget Adrian! You know i like you more Babe! :D

Okay thats all for know,
I'm still hangin' in there so you should be too,
Later gators,

Go to : Yahoo pool, make a screen name, it is fantastic!!!! YAY thats what i do all the time! <3
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