master of my domain.

Jun 25, 2006 19:42

I escaped from the Dungeon of Punkrockreject!

I killed Emo Sob the kobold, Thesigepgiant the leprechaun, The Yeti531 the dragon, Blargmanus the troll, Outofcontrol24 the minotaur, Onlydaughter the gelatinous cube, Jkobb the leprechaun, Sportgurl the minotaur and Amodea the rat.

I looted a Figurine of Th8rluvr, the Amulet of Bass, the Armour of Lilcecil, the Sword of Josethebean, the Sceptre of Swolen Eyes and 265 gold pieces.

Score: 365
Explore the Dungeon of Punkrockreject and try to beat this score,
or enter your username to generate and explore your own dungeon...

So let's see...I killed Leslie, Mike, John, Jimmy, Sarina, Chelsea, Jackob, Lori, and Danielle. I stole a statue of Robbyn, an amulet of my bass guitar, wore the armour of Lauren, killed everything with the sword of Stormy, and carried the Sceptre of Teresa. It doesn't mention it, but I also prayed at the altar of Beth-Ann and had my pockets picked before I killed Jacob, goddamn leprechauns.

on a lighter note- big mike a leprechaun? that...that's interesting.

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