Feb 15, 2004 12:26
my weekend hass been pretty darn good...friday i did nothing went out to eat with my family and that night i cleaned alot..then saturday was valentines day! soo i cleaned cuz relatives came in town and then i hung out with justin :)((hurrayyy)) and then suzie came over! she spent the night and we didn't go to bed till late...we stayed up talking and talking and talking...lol...pretty crazy night..haha ((I LOVE YOU SUZIE!!!)) today is sundayy...i went to sunday school..andd melanie's eyes looked blue it was really cool...tonight we are going to this district movie thing which should be fun. tomorrow there is noooo school! :) the serman in church today was about love..i'm guessing because valentines was yesterday? i'm not sure but it was pretty good..even though me and my mom passed notes the entire time..i'm hungry..i <3 justin!
\\What the world need's now...is love sweet love..it's the only thing...that theres just..to little of..-Dave burst out singin that lol..now its stuck in my head of corse..//