What do Terri Schiavo and Pam Anderson have in common?
98% of the time they are both lying down with their mouths open.
What’s the difference between Terri Schiavo and a Chia Pet?
Nobody gets upset if you stop watering the Chia.
What’s the difference between Terri Schiavo and a cell phone?
When the cell phone is dead you can plug it in again.
How does terry schiavo use the bathroom?
What is terri schiavo’s favorite fun activity?
What is the Florida state vegetable?
Terri Schiavo!
Why can’t Terri drive?
She’s a woman
Why do Terri’s parents love her so much?
Because she’s such a good listener.
At the hospital where Terri is staying, there is a sign that says:
“Please do not feed the vegetables.”
Whats the hardest part about having sex with a vegetable?
Putting her back in the wheelchair when you’re done.
What’s 6 inches long and goes dead in your hand?
The new Terri Schiavo action figure.
On another note, Terry Schaivo has a livejournal
http://terri-is-risen.livejournal.com/ and a Myspace
http://www.myspace.com/12030627 -
http://www.myspace.com/12422597 -
http://www.myspace.com/schiavoPlus there is a "do the schaivo" page -
http://www.amandaegge.com/schiavo.htm Passion of the Schaivo!