Oct 02, 2004 04:34
holy crap, its been awhile since i posted, but my f'ing life has been so busy lately.... my head has damn near spun off...lets see where to begin.... well by bro's wedding went off without a hitch and the vegas trip was outstanding, had tons of fun with the two love birds....eh, hating them.....but no really i'm quite pleased that my brother is actually truly happy for once.....it makes me smile :D
i have done so much soul searching these past weeks and have actually become very happy with myself and i can honestly say that for the first time in ten years, i am happy with myself and being by myself.... and thats pretty huge for me... i dont seem to wake up bitter everyday and i am glad to be here too, i haven't thought about killing myself in a long time and thats great cause i used to think about it every day!?!?
one thing is for sure is that i am better, its taken me along time to get here but i guess it was worth the wait....
life for me seems to be on the upward spiral, my daughter is great and i plan on moving to a new job come the middle of october, more money, less hours and a truly better working environment.....so we'll see how it goes!?!?
but anyways, can't sleep tonight.... anyone awake and want to chat!?!? im at scardred4life on aim ;)