I hate Subjects....

Sep 08, 2004 21:17

Yes well its not like anyone reads this trash anyways. School sucks pretty much. Summer is so much more cooler :P Spanish...would be better if I could speak it better. They expect you to just think of the words within 2 seconds. Or maybe I just have a very slow mind. Which could be very possible. Health, well its not that bad of a class. Except I gotta talk in front of the class alot xD I hate that part since im to shy for that kind of crap. But I will never get any work done anyways cause Kims to busy calling me scrunchie and Chris is busy getting high off of markers :P Math, way to confusing for my slow mind. Shes rele fast too which doesn't give me time to think. But overall its not that bad. Lunch is good only cause I got friends in it. Including Cody :) Global History...BORING. I swear its like nap time for that class. Hehe thats what my snapples for :) O well thats usually my schudule. Not to bad at all. Oh well.
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