Jun 30, 2007 11:58
ome simple mistake,
one simple word,
one sime conversation,
Everything reminds me,
Everything makes me want.
I'm an emotional mess
But i know how to hide it.
I hide behind a smile.
Its pretty easy,
all you have to do is plaster a big fake one on ur face
And for a brief moment think
when everything was perfect.
put it on your face
and pretend
Pretend that everything
is like it once was.
When i was happy
When nothing could preing me down
No one's words can hurt me
No one's judgement was my concern
Because I was happy
Everything was perfect
For about a second
Until i messed thing sup
For some reason I can't keep a good thing going
My hearts wants but my mind wont give in
My mind tells me I have to be a screw up
So anything good that come to me is lost
Lost for ever in the Bliss of Nothingness.