This past Sunday (October3, 2010) Kylie, Carly, Kaylee and I went to Cleveland to see Jarrod Gorbel. He is awesome! If you don’t know who he is look him up on youtube. So Kylie picked me up and then drove to Conneaut, OH to pick up Carly. Then drove through the rain to get to Cleveland. We met up with Kaylee at a Mongolian BBQ near the venue. I have never been to one of them before. It was really cool and I want to go back. Then we went to the venue. As we were standing in line we heard Jarrod warming up and then a little later he came walking out and I said hi. After a long wait he finally went on. He had a girl playing violin, Dre ( I am not sure if that’s how she spells it.) It was a great set, but a little short. Here are my pictures.