Original Writing - Destination Cancelled (Part 1)

Aug 21, 2006 20:35

Title: Destination: Cancelled
Rating: PG-13 (For Language)
Genre: Horror/Supernatural
Format: Movie Script
Warnings: Contains mild language and horror. The rating may increase for future chapters.
Summary: Six American and six English teenagers are told they've been selected to go to Washington DC on a school trip but things go horribly wrong when their planes land at an airport in the middle of nowhere and then their bus crashes on the way to a nearby hotel. When they wake up alone and afraid in an ancient house in the middle of the woods, it seems like things can't get any worse but little do they know that the traumas they have already suffered are nothing in comparison to what lies ahead.
Disclaimer: The plot and all of the characters were created by me. Please do not repost this script elsewhere on the web without first getting my permission. 
Notes: Destination: Cancelled originally started out as a script written alongside 
lillerina and
d_l_c  as television drama episodes with characters from various existing TV shows (The OC, Veronica Mars, etc.) but I decided to take it a little further and make it into an original movie script. While I have co-written movie parody scripts and television scripts before this is actually the first original movie script I've written alone so it's mostly just an experiment and right now it's pretty much just a side project to my music videos and graphics, so it's kinda far from the top of my to-do list. While I really appreciate any reviews and feedback anyone would be willing to give me, please do not expect this to be updated regularly like my fics generally are. It will only be updated when I have the spare time and the inspiration to write it, which means it could take weeks, months, or it might never be finished.

Scenes: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Scene 01 (Prologue)

Fade in to show a large mansion, stood alone in the dark, surrounded by a forest of trees. The windows are dark and the only source of light is from the full moon. We cut to inside the house: in a small office-type room, a middle-aged man (late 40’s, early 50’s) is asleep at a cluttered desk. As the camera closes in, we immediately notice a pair of glasses atop an ancient book engraved with a strange symbol that shows an hourglass with the sand sunk to the bottom half and a picture of a sun and an angel in the top half.
There is the sound of glass smashing and the man’s head jerks up. The camera whirls to show an open door leading out into a dark entrance hall. The man freezes for a moment, listening intently. When there is no sound, he slowly gets to his feet and makes his way quietly out into the entrance hall, dimly lit by the light of the moon. He creeps across the room, cringing as he accidentally steps on a piece of glass. It crunches loudly and he slowly lifts his foot to see shards of glass scattered across the wooden floor. He glances to the left to see that the pane of glass in the front door has been smashed. The man hears a creek above him and glances up towards the ceiling. Steeling himself, he heads for the large stairs to his right.

We cut to the man opening the door to a room off the hallway. He glances inside to see two young girls, his daughters, both fast asleep in their beds. He breathes a sigh of relief and steps back out into the hallway, pulling the door closed quietly behind him.

Cut to further along the corridor: the man opens another door and steps into the room, closing the door behind him. His wife is also asleep in bed. He takes off his shoes and turns to put them on a shoe rack against the same wall as the door when he notices something on the wall. He looks up to see the words “Too Late” written in a dark liquid across the wall, with a picture of the grim reaper holding a scythe underneath, also evidently drawn in the same dark liquid. The man backs away horrified. As he reaches the wall behind him, he fumbles for the light switch. A bright glow illuminates the room and he realises with horror that the dark liquid in which the message is written is blood. He glances across at his wife and sees that she is lying in a pool of blood.

Cut to the room belonging to the man’s daughters. The door flies open and the man darts inside, her daughters awaking. The youngest (7/8 years old) of the two girls speaks.

Younger Daughter: “Daddy, what’s going on?”

The father glances back at the hallway, anxiously.

Father: “We have to go, now.”

The older daughter (12 years old) sits up in bed.

Older Daughter: “Where’s mother?”

The man picks up the youngest of the two girls. The other daughter looks anxious.

Father: “Lisa, we have to go.”

The girl gets to her feet.

Cut to: the father runs out of the door into the entrance hall, still carrying the youngest daughter. He freezes in horror upon seeing the black robed figure in the doorway that leads outside. The man’s eyes go wide in fear.

Father: “Please, my daughters…”

The robed figure takes a step forward.

destination cancelled, original writing, movie scripts

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