Oct 18, 2004 16:43
Today was boring and kind of sucked. I was wicked tired and i was totally numb. So gym we played tennis and I totally sucked. I just wanted to colasps. I couldn't feel my legs and I was just blah. Lunch Eric and Dustin weren't there and nothing really happened. I did actually eat somthing. Which I kinda wish I didn't now since I just now gorged myself and I can't throw up till after 5 and by then I probably won't, anywho so band was ok. They let us out 15 minutes early to chill out. So we were all hanging out in the instrument closet until Dan kicked us out. Then Eric, Amy , and Dustin were all sitting together talking and I sat on Erics lap and we talked for a little bit. He was talking to Chelsey onlinbe last night and he thought it was me. it was funny. We talked about the weekend a little bit and I wanted to cut cuz I was numb but Eric talked me out of it. World History wasboring but at the end I was talking to dustin and this girl it was pretty funny. After school i got a cig from Raquel and I got to smoke it I was happy! On the bus pretty boring on the walk up I smoked and I went home made some food and talked to Eric for like 2 hours. Now I am waiting for my mother to leave so I can relax a bit.