Sep 22, 2004 14:51
All she needs to know is that shes loved...
Today I found 9 saftey pins in my room and put them on my sweat shirt. Eric took every last one -_- hes even taking the one on my teddy bear. But i guess its for the best. Val still didn't give me my shit back! grr....
Anywho today went pretty well. I got to wear Jessica's straight jaket today. I was happy. I talked to Alana today. she was actually in school. She is really mad at Christain cuz he told a bunch of people sutin he wasn't suppose to. Yea so i'm kinda in the middle of all this....i dunno for some reason i'm always in the middle of everything. I don't get it. Well I'm home alone at the current moment and I have no homework. I am extreamly bored!
Jessica said she embaressed her self in front of Will. She asked if she could poke him and he said why? and she said cuz i like poking people and he's like. errrr no. lol its nuttin to be embaressed about but it is pretty funny.