Nov 24, 2008 11:15
So over the past month or two I keep making a detour into the art department at school and I haven't been especially sure why. Most of the art I see there is horrifically boring and uncreative but I keep going back anyway. Today while walking through there it occurred to me that 10 years ago my art was everything to me, not much else mattered. As I walk through that department seeing other people's art (however bad it is) it makes me long to start again.
The problem I keep running into is that I'm completely empty of any ideas as far as what I want my art to be. No subject, no medium, nothing seems interesting. And then there is the issue of talent. I'm not sure if this really makes sense but I feel like I have a lot of artistic skill but lack in artistic talent, meaning that I know, understand and can apply learned techniques but when it comes to creating anything original its just an epic fail.
What its come down to is that I don't draw anything at all anymore except for poorly-drawn, round-headed simplistic cartoons doing stupid things.
Perhaps it says something that I can only manage to entertain myself by creating stupidity.
Hmm... I don't know, maybe I just need direction.