Nov 13, 2002 09:48
Good morning Mr. Sunshine,
I have a strange Operandus Mondi. When I get drunk the next day I wake up early and prepared to deal with the world. I feel like I have so much to do. Weird.
Then I started analyzing I actually got drunk. Woohoo, I got drunk. Woohoo, Beyssa got drunk. Wait, what the hell am I talking about Beyssa doesn't get drunk. She is always drunk..on life. Don't you ever get that intoxicated feeling I asked a friend? No, he responded? I always feel drunk. That's why I can't wake up or focus on anything. Reverse Brain Peristalsis???
The night started on a semi sweet note, I left my key to the salon at home. I had to call Lynne the crazy old rich bat according to my coworkers which noone likes but I do. I don't care she is my friend. She's like 70 something, lives alone and has had a frivoulous life filled with much pleasure and pain and she is utterly alone. She gets drunk everyday in Coconut Grove and everyone knows who she is because of this, she only brags to hide her pain. She used to annoy me so, I wanted to put a potatoe in her mouth to gag her. I used to envsion me torturing her to shut her up. One day I analyzed her pupils from afar and realized they were filled with teardrops. After that I was sold. I will be Lynne's sole friend. But Lynne is also my friend in fact she came through for me!!!!
Then James-Chris, Najara and I went to Virgin for musica. Thereafter, we went to Rainer Maria and it rocked. Though I was unfocused and had way too much fun.
I only remember bibs and bobs. I bought two Rainer Maria tshirst because I wanted to help support but I really only needed one tshirt. Dumb-dumb girl. I remember a very comfortable pool table and staring at the lights above. Before the show we went to Walgreen's to get Polaroid film and they were closed, I wanted to be sad. Najara shows up later with her camera and sent me off to shoot. I LOVE YOU NAJARA. You are the best little sister in the world. It was like having your balloon fly away, you cry as the sun blazes into your eyes and then a big strong presence hands you an ice cream. Yahooooooo.
Their was a boy that has always been a snot and last night he looked like a cubist painting. I swear my eyes were playing tricks on me, I had to take a picture of him because I realized his face is so crooked and completly off center. Anyways I told him he was an ass not exactly in those words and he actually had too much to say to me, he was actually nice.We also happen to have the same exact bday.. WEIRD.
Then another boy who looks like Connor Oberst came up while I was talking to his friend and proceeded to tell me of my wherebouts. He says he always sees me. He gave me his number and asked me if I was sure I was gonna call. I was drunk so I have no idea what i replied but.. questione does being drunk enable you to hear the whispers boys make to get your attention? I have always been in my books and never noticed these things. Or is it once your guard is down and that's when they pounce like tigers?
I am not a zoo animal I can be spoken to in my right state of mine. It is not a luxury it is a right I demand.
I had the best conversation at Denny's though I bumped my head twice. Ouch.
I want to walk in the sunshine today..