Dec 06, 2003 16:39
Well, it looks like I haven't updated in a while... oh well, deal with it. So what's been going on in the life of Kevin Michael Ruppell you ask... well, its been quite an eventful couple of months. Oh, you want me to tell you about the events since my last update... I suppose I can give you the abridged version.
Hmmm, September Twenty-fifth was my last update, what has happened since then? Ah, I know where I'll start, Marching Band. We did quite well this season, and seeing as most of the avid readers of this livejournal are in the marching band I feel that I do not have to elaborate.
On to other interesting things that happened in my life. I went with my father to Pennsylvania so he could meet up with all the people he used to hunt with. Why did I go you ask, I was his personal chauffeur so he could have a few drinks and not have to worry about navigating the long windy roads of the Pennsylvania back-county. What did I do while I was there you ask, well, I played pool and enlightened the hunter's children about New Jersey culture. They were amazed that we have billiard halls, apparently all of the pool tables they have ever seen have either been in someone's house or in a bar, odd. Also the fact that I am going to college and got higher than an 1000 on my SATs confused and fightened them, they must have though me as a wizard, or some kind of super-human.
Other than that not too many funny things happened. A year is a long time to spend with somebody, and I am glad I spent it with who I did.
Now I will leave you with three quotes, all from the same person, the first one to tell me who it is gets a pat on the back and a hearty hand shake.
"Anything's worth it, as long as money's involved."
"I can make funny noises, just not the right ones."
and the latest one, "It's not like I haven't seen you naked before..."
Until next time children, brush your teeth and wash behind your ears, because who wants to talk to someone with bad breath and dirty ears?