Jan 17, 2007 09:56
It's Wednesday. I am so annoyed with so many things right now, it's not funny! I just had to finish purchasing my very expensive books, which I felt the price was extremely inappropriate for people who aren't expected to work during the program. I think I spent well over $400 on books. Luckily I had some gift cards that helped with some and my grandma gave me a check for $100, but seriously, I shouldn't have to use my gift cards to buy freakin' books. That is so lame.
Anyways, I am annoyed with this girl in my block named Kathy. She calls me about stupid crap and she seems to stress out about dumb stuff, and frankly, I am not leaving room for stress like that. I don't think I will be able to get through this program if I let stress get the best of me. I think if she stresses me out too much, I am going to tell her. I can't let someone else's insecurities and worries take over my life and the way I want to live. I am not going to let anyone else but myself control my life. That includes family, my boyfriend, friends, or anyone. I am not going to let Kathy stress me out, I am not going to allow my boyfriend's problems (which he is supposed to be working on) control my life, and I am not going to allow other friends use me as the source of their information because my job is not to be the answer guru for everything. I have to work in order to make myself informed, and so should they. As for my boyfriend's problems, I cannot let his problems make me the person I have been for the past few months. If he is going to make the effort to change, then he will, and if not, then he can risk the chance of losing me because I am not going to stick around and be victim to someone's vices. As for now, all I can do is hope that things will be different. No more stupid online womanizing, no more lying, and no more getting caught up in stupid shit.
So what do I have in store today? I have work at noon, but I have to go to the bank first. There is also this woman who keeps bugging me from some thing called Herbalife. She came into my work and started ranting and raving about her program and how she is a life coach to lose weight. Then, she calls me work to talk to me and wants to set up some stupid appointment and I told her I'm busy. Not really giving me a choice, she says that today she is coming in with some free sample thing of their products, which is a $10 value. She can drop that off, but I am going to tell her that 1) I am not going to be working for the next year so there is no way I am wasting the little money I have on her stupid program, and 2) My life is going to be dramatically changing and I don't have time to deal with this stuff right now. I swear, these sales people are too aggressive and I will just pull the whole, "Don't call me, I'll call you" and then never call her and never answer her calls. What can she do? Kill me? It's not like I will be working there anymore and it would be completely inappropriate for her to go there anyways.
Anyways, I better get ready for this grueling day, which I would rather be spending doing something else like doing something with my boyfriend or at home relaxing. Tomorrow I work until 1, then I have to take some pants to the seamstress to be hemmed, then I get to go home, and then I tutor from 5-7pm. On Friday I am going to work for a couple hours in the morning, going to meet Gerry for lunch (hopefully), going to school for a meeting at 1, and then going back to work to finish out my last day there. It should be interesting. At least tonight I get out of work at 5 and I get to come home and stay home...no meetings!
P.S. I just bought the newest John Mayer CD, "Continuum" on iTunes.