Aug 30, 2006 23:18
I have to say that I actually disagreed with Tom Leykis today. He wanted men to call into his show (this was a re-run) and do an impression of their girlfriend or wife whining. He said that women ruin relationships and drive men through the wall because of their relentless whining. He said that in relationships where women whine, the men eventually begin to not even want sex from the woman anymore because they are just annoyed. He said men will eventually stop going straight home from work so that they don't have to hear the woman whine. They will take a long route home or go to a bar and have a drink. He said a woman's whining is a huge cause for male alcoholism. Interesting points. I do agree with him to some degree, but in some aspects, I think he is generalizing and not seeing the big picture.
I am in no way a feminist. I believe that men and woman are equal. They haven't always been equal, but since men are now more than ever expecting women to work and contribute to the household, on top of bearing children, cooking dinner, and cleaning the house, I feel that they are equal. No man has the right to tell a woman who works and takes care of a family that she can't have her complaints. Yes, I know that some women go overboard, but no one can say that it is a woman's whining that ruins the relationship. I know plenty of males who whine. They whine about having to work, being tired, not getting enough sex, etc. Men whine about a lot of things, as do women. So why is it that women do not have the right when it comes to whining, but men do?
I admit that I do whine about things. I whine when I am stressed out about school or work, or even about family life. I am not married, but I do have a boyfriend. I am sure sometimes he gets annoyed because I whine about stuff, but bottom line is that there are times where he whines too. I am sure any guy would deny participating in this action, but they do it and there is no way of getting around it.
I would just like to pose this question to Mr. Tom and other men with this mindset:
Why is it that women are good enough to work, good enough to clean your house, good enough to make you dinner, good enough to have sex with you and satisfy you, and good enough to bear your children, but they are not entitled to whine?
Enough said.