Jul 13, 2006 11:51
Hey Everyone! I'm in the computer lab at the Changshu Foreign Language School in China during my lunch break. It is 11:49 am here which means it is 8:49 pm in the USA...interesting huh? Well they have us with 50 kids which was NOT what we expected. The school's administration are being a bunch of bitches saying that we are overlapping lesson plans and we are doing whatever wrong when it was them who decided to spring it on us that they had enrollment of like 400+ students when they originally said they were having difficulty filling classes. Everyone spent time planning and getting supplies for about 20 people per class and now all that time and money was wasted because lessons had to be scrapped and done over. We are all losing so much sleep over this and frankly, they have fucked up the first few days of our trip. They know we are not actual teachers...we are students. Everyone told us all we had to do was speak English and here we are...being criticized on the first fricken' day. Screw that. I am going to do my personal best, finish at this school and then have fun touring!