May 10, 2004 16:47
this isn't a fucking joke anymore.
mom, i love you. but sometimes you forget that you are the mother, here.
i can't keep wiping your tears away from yr face
and paying for our dinner as your run out of the restaurant.
i can't keep watching you cry
telling you not to worry.
because the tables have turned, and i'm taking care of you, now.
i have to tell myself that it's all okay, even my favorite teacher- the one i can tell ANYTHING to. i can't cry in front of him. not anyone. not my best friends. not my fucking self.
but a letter in the mail says that soon our house will no longer belong to us.
a letter in the mail says those people are sueing us for all that they can.
a letter in the mail says that soon we'll have nothing.
see also: poor.
see also: homeless.
take a drink
and take me away from here so i can start a fictional novel about a little girl who watched her world fall apart from the confines of her father's house, and didn't say anything. a little girl who could scream in the locked bathroom as long as no one was home and she wasn't in front of the mirror. about the little girl who wished she could save the world.