Jan 22, 2007 22:53
As Jeanette so delicately put it, "omg, you're online!!"
For a bit. XD I'm actually home for once. Longer than 5 minutes as well. It happens when laundry needs to be done. But I'll be heading back to my haven tonight and probably won't be on again for a while. Just checking up on things in good ol' lj world.
Had an explosive party at Noel's Saturday night complete with ping-pong table, fondue fountain, and a giant box full of booze. (w00t seeing Jeanne, James, and Mike.) Woke up around 3 in the afternoon on Sunday and continued where we left off. Jeanette, Terrell, Noel, and I stumbled around Noel's neighborhood in the wee hours of the morning looking for a hot tub only to admit defeat and return to ground zero for some halo.
This past week has been amazing. I can't even begin to describe the awesomeness of everything that's been going on. I moved Sweet Pea in with Noel a couple of days ago and she seems to be adjusting nicely. My parents, surprisingly enough, have finally broken and have come to terms with me "living" at his place.
::sigh:: He's so good to me. I can't believe we're back together but he seems like a different person. This is definitely not the same Noel I went to high school with. But the change has definitely been for the better. Like him making me breakfast in the morning. Generally him cooking period. And, omg, he's so strong! When the hell did he get stronger than me?!? But we're taking it slow right now since we both got out of serious relationships. Just taking it one day at a time. And I haven't been happier.
Had a falling out with some people. Sucks they think of me that way, but I know I'm not in the wrong as do my real friends and that's all that matters. I given in to the fact that drama is a way of life for some people and you can either bitch and moan about it or you can say fuck them and continue on in life happier without 'em.
Feb. 3- Projected date for paintball. Probably in the evening. But if it's gonna be anything like last time, that's fine by us. We had the entire OP playing fields to ourselves.
I finally went to go see Cirque Du Solei!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noel took me for my birthday. Front row seats!! It. Was. Amazing. I have pics, I'll put them up later. <--- slacker
But I have never seen such an amazing show before. There was so much to look at. I have to go again; I know I missed stuff. But that was something I've always wanted to do since they built the damn thing and I've had people in the past tell me they'd take me but no one's ever followed through with it. Gawd, I love that man.
There are so many pics I need to get on here. So much we have done. Especially pics from last Tuesday and our shenanigans downtown. ♥ Zoot suits and Jeanette looking damn sexy in the sexy hat.
Speaking of which, we will be downtown tomorrow evening if anyone would like to join us for free cover and fifty cent wells at I-Bar, then free beer and 80's at AKA Lounge. We'll have a sexy party.
My car is finally finished. Hopefully I get to pick it up tomorrow and check it out. I miss my baby. Although Noel has been superb driving me around.
And this is the last week of psychology class. Hurray end of boring class. Boo start of new one. Oh well, That just means it's one more month closer til we go to the Keys for spring break. And Graham is coming with us. :D Still debating whether or not I'll volunteer my car for service or if we're renting. Either way, it don't matter; we'll be partying like it's 1699.
Tried something new the other day and let's just say it was an adventure. Not so sure I'll continue but the experience is still there.
Went to a professional masseur (Jeanette's a client) and gave him a short demo of my massage only to have him tell me I was a complete natural at it and he would love it if I could be his masseuse. Brownie points for me. It's things like that which remind me why I'm in this program. It's nice to finally find the one thing I excell in.
Well I believe that's everything that's happened the past couple of weeks or so. Life has definitely been busy/interesting/wonderful. Now I'm off to Noel's for more halo. He's getting pretty good. I'm gonna have to step up my game a bit if I want to stay on top. XD