May 07, 2005 12:08
i suposevleeeeey have spy ware / crap on my copmuter. so the only way to fix it at the moment is to wipe my computer clean and start over. hopefully it get's better and the crap goes away..(which probably wont happen, but i can hope it does at the moment)...and so that is why i have not been / am not going to be.. on the computer so my problem can get fixed.
please excuse my mis-spelling of suposevley..or who ever you spell it.
<3 Brittany
oh yeah totally forgot something..
last night i went to the baseball game here in Arizona (Pirates from Penn. vs. D'Backs of Arizona). we were parking the car and heading over to the Bank One Ball Park..or whatever it's called now..and we had to go down this flight of stairs. of course i trip and fall and my leg is throbbing and this guy selling water or whatever was like staring at me i was like go away!! nothing happened stop looking at me!. but now it hurts and i got a bruise..w00t w00t..and now i get to be in pain for a while!
-the 2nd end-