Mar 20, 2006 19:19
Okay, I'd like to apologize for my absence for the last few days. My uncle decided to take me on a sporadic trip to the Big Island, and we had no internet access up there. Also, I'm afraid to say that I have to take yet another week-long hiatus due to... well... school. -_-; The new term just started, and I need time to get my bearings. I'm really sorry, everyone. However, there's a marginal chance that I may not need to be gone for that long. It all really depends on how much my History teacher is piling on... Spring Break is next week, so I'll be around then. Quite often, actually. My school is wonky. D:
Again, I'm really sorry, you guys. I'll make it up to you somehow. ._.
Also, Tseng, your picture is almost done! I'll be sure to get it up as soon as I come back. I just need to ink/CG it. Sorry it's taking so long!