rain day

Mar 09, 2005 16:12

so today rained again...:)
there was a ceratin sadness to the day though...:'( didnt feel very chipper all day...only in the morning and like when i was walking through the rain...
...roxana is mad at me again and i kno its my fault and she doesnt even kno why i've been acting like that....im sorry roxxy i really am and i wish i could explain but i cant just like that..too many things going through my mind, too much shit going around everyone...and i do love you so much but everytime we fight i cant help but wondering if we r really best friends or if u or me or both of us have canged so much that we just cant anymore...and everytime we fight it hurts a lot...and we have been drifting apart i know and i think that its my fault too...god i really wish u could come this weekend cuz it would have been good for us...but member u promissed to arrange my funeral yesterday? im still counting on you doing so...(shy smile)...i love you a lot u know that and im sorry about today and im sorry about everything, i didnt mean to...but im stupid and wierd u kno that...
so today was my one month anniversary with Pat..(monthversary...HAH w.e) i liked my tiny present :) i know it aint much and i kno its a bit dumb that i like it so much but i think my dice are so sweet...
so friday shelby is coming back i hope it doesnt rain tomm or friday so we can have lunch in the grass...Dana dont forget her presents k? (oh and btw poke me i dare you!)
so i wore Danny's belt today...i really liked that belt! i want one...darn it i should have kept Pat's present...
tomm we have mid-terms...ooy...i should go study...but w.e im not happy so im not really in the mood...
im so ready for a break...thank god we dont have school monday...this weekend is gonna suck so much....UGH w.e
gotta go
PS: comment if u care...even a little bit even at all
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